Definition of



The idea of ​​spirit can be associated with the soul.

From the Latin spiritus , spirit is the rational soul , the supernatural gift that God grants to some creatures or the virtue that encourages the body to act. For example: "I want a job that, in addition to giving me material support, feeds my spirit," "He is a man with a pure spirit," "The priest helped us heal the spirit of the community."

The concept of spirit is used in various ways. In the realm of religion , the spirit is a non-corporeal entity (that is, it does not have a body or corporeal manifestation). A spiritual being can be an angel , a ghost , etc.: «Legend says that evil spirits live in the old mansion on the hill» , «What's wrong with you? It seems like you've seen a spirit" , "There are those who say they can talk to spirits" .

The spirits and the material

Some people believe that spirits can possess the bodies of living people . In this way, the spirit begins to have a corporeal manifestation, by usurping the body of a subject: «The spirit of the murdered man has entered the body of a child» , «The film shows how a spirit takes over the body of a farmer» .

Likewise, we must not forget that there are many real stories or legends that circulate around the world about mansions, buildings or places that are considered magical because spirits are considered to live there. That would be the case, for example, of the Casa de América in Madrid .


Ghosts are referred to as spirits.

A manifestation of God

Holy Spirit , on the other hand, is a notion of Christian theology that refers to a divine person who is part of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

It is, in this sense, a manifestation of God. That is to say, God personalizes or expresses himself through the Holy Spirit.

The spirit as character

Spirit can also be synonymous with character , the principle that drives spirit or natural strength.

«The team lost because it had no spirit», «Juan Pablo has an innovative spirit» y «It takes a lot of spirit to overcome an illness of this type» son frases que muestran este uso.

Other uses of the term

Within the field of oenology, it is also common to use the term spirit that concerns us now. In its case, it is used to refer to the vapor exhaled by both liquors and wines in general and which is characterized by its subtlety.

There are also expressions that are used colloquially and that use the aforementioned word. A clear example is "the spirit of candy." This is a terminology that indicates that a person is excessively thin: "María carried out marathon work sessions that were causing her to be the spirit of candy."

In addition to all this we have to highlight that one of the most important novels of the 20th century in Spanish is precisely titled "The House of the Spirits" . The prestigious Chilean writer Isabel Allende was the one who, in 1982, published this book, framed within magical realism, which tells us the story, over four generations, of the Trueba family.

Social classes, revolutions, political ideas, personal conflicts, love, revenge or the need to comply with the imposed moral standards are some of the pillars that support this story, in which we will discover how the characters progress. facing all of them.