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Latest articles in Philosophy

Definition of philosophy of mind

Philosophy of mind is a philosophical area focused on the study of thoughts, emotions, perception, and other mental processes. It is a branch that is part of the so-called analytical philosophy. The ontology of mental phenomena and the epistemology of the knowable are examined by this discipline that […]

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Definition of medical ethics

Medical ethics is the branch of applied ethics that studies the principles and values ​​that should guide medical practice, with the aim of guaranteeing respectful, fair and responsible care for patients. This field addresses dilemmas such as confidentiality, informed consent, fairness in the distribution of resources, and […]

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Definition of political philosophy

Political philosophy is an area of ​​philosophy that analyzes the link between individuals and society, examining the relationships established between social systems. It focuses on the study of collective order through concepts such as government, State, freedom, power, right and law. It should be noted that the notion of […]

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Definition of cultural studies

Cultural studies is a research area that analyzes how meanings are created and disseminated in a society. It is an interdisciplinary field where communication, politics, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, history and other sciences and disciplines intervene. The purpose of cultural studies is to generate knowledge about […]

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Definition of heteronormativity

Heteronormativity is the social system that considers heterosexuality as the normal or appropriate sexual orientation. This implies that other types of relationships fail to comply with social norms (that is, those rules that must be respected to live in a community). Gender normativity refers to those social norms that establish what is appropriate […]

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Definition of anthropic principle

Anthropic principle is an expression that encompasses an idea whose content can be approached or analyzed from cosmology and physics, as well as from theology and philosophy. This concept that gained relevance after being pronounced in a symposium by an expert in theoretical physics who was born in […]

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Definition of personal responsibility

Personal responsibility is an obligation carried by an individual. The concept is usually associated with a moral commitment that the subject assumes by virtue of his or her values. The idea of ​​responsibility refers to a duty. Personal, meanwhile, is that linked to the person: a human being. Personal responsibility can be understood as that […]

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Definition of culture of peace

The culture of peace is the set of behaviors, attitudes and values ​​that promote coexistence in harmony and without violence. It is a vision that supports dialogue to resolve conflicts. It should be noted that the idea of ​​culture can be associated with a way of life. The […]

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Definition of positive discrimination

Positive discrimination is support or assistance that is granted to a social group that is usually a victim of inequality. Through this type of measures, the aim is to mitigate or reverse the situation. Before moving forward, it is important to analyze the terms that make up the concept. Discrimination is the act […]

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Definition of correspondence principle

In the context of Hermeticism and esoteric philosophy, the principle of correspondence is one of the seven attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and is found in the Kybalion (or Kybalion). It is expressed with the famous phrase: "as above, so below (as above, so below)." This principle suggests that there is a universal correspondence, analogy or […]

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