Definition of



Conviction is associated with conviction.

From the Latin convictĭo , conviction is the conviction one has about something . Those who have a conviction have reasons or beliefs that allow them to sustain a certain thought, speech or action.

For example: "I arrived at the Government House with the conviction that our project will allow the country to move forward" , "That the owner will keep his word is your conviction, not mine" , "I had the conviction that we would become champions in the team's first training session .

The view of psychology

Within psychology, it is common to talk about conviction. Specifically, it is said that it is essential to find motivation when carrying out certain actions, to be positive and trust that the things we are going to do will be achieved and even to convince ourselves that oneself is and it will be fine.

But in that same field reference is also made to all those people who have conviction but about pessimistic and negative aspects at all times. They are individuals who absolutely believe that they are worthless, that they are not capable of facing the challenge that lies ahead of them or that the person they love is not going to love them back because they have nothing to offer them.

Conviction as an idea

Conviction is also a political , ethical or religious idea to which a person strongly adheres. Typically, the term is used in the plural ( convictions ): "I assure you that I will never betray my convictions," "I appreciate your proposal, but it goes against my convictions," "Without convictions, it is impossible to succeed in such a competitive world." » .


A speaker must speak with conviction to convince others.

Politicians are people who also need to have conviction not only about their electoral program but also about the ideas that defend and sustain their party. Therefore, it is essential that when they hold rallies they do so with conviction about all the ideas they defend and the measures they decide to carry out.

Specifically, it is considered that in these cases it is essential that they speak with conviction because it will encourage those who listen to them not only to take what they are saying seriously but also to support them and follow them in their actions. With strength and security is how you achieve that oral conviction that will make your listeners support you with their vote in the elections because they will have believed in you.

Differences and similarities with belief

The notion of conviction is often confused with the idea of ​​belief . It can be said that a conviction is a belief for which a subject considers that there is sufficient evidence to consider it true. It does not matter if said evidence is scientific, rational or subjective: the person believes that it is sufficient to support his idea. Belief, on the other hand, is more of an assumption or a matter of faith, since the individual cannot justify its veracity .

Many maintain that both reason and faith are different forms of conviction that can coexist with different degrees of conflict. Faith is a conviction that is not based on reasoning, while reason is based on logic .