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Latest articles in Values

Definition of food sovereignty

Food sovereignty is the power of a community to choose its strategies and policies related to the production, distribution and consumption of food. It is the ability to determine, according to its needs and culture, what type of system to adopt in terms of food. The idea of ​​sovereignty refers to the right of a community to choose its own strategies and policies related to the production, distribution and consumption of food.

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Definition of solidarity economy

The solidarity economy is a model of productive organization based on the needs of people. Unlike the traditional system that privileges capital, in this case economic activities are based on solidarity, self-management, equality, care for the environment and other principles. Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to […]

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Definition of workplace well-being

Wellbeing at work is a state or reality that every person should achieve throughout their working years. It is achieved through the fulfillment of multiple issues that cause a general satisfaction reflected in emotions, sensations, behaviors and favorable evaluations. For wellbeing at work to be possible, each employee should be given a […]

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Definition of microaggressions

Microaggressions are subtle actions that transmit prejudice or negatively affect a marginalized group. These acts can be intentional or involuntary. It should be noted that the term microaggression does not appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In any case, it can be recognized that the concept is formed […]

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Definition of empathic listening

Empathetic listening is a concept that refers to the act of listening attentively, and as far as possible without interruptions, to another person with the intention of dedicating quality time to him or her and understanding him or her without prejudice. Whoever exercises and applies this type of action demonstrates respect for the other and, in that context, is […]

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Definition of social commitment

Social commitment is the responsibility assumed by an individual or an organization to seek the common good. It is a moral obligation that leads to acting for the benefit of the community, prioritizing the collective over the particular. Thus, social commitment is reflected in activism, volunteering and philanthropy, […]

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Definition of gender diversity

Gender diversity is a concept that refers to the plurality of ways of understanding and assuming the roles, attributes and behaviors linked to sex and sexual orientation. These are issues related to culture and society, which transcend biology. Gender diversity goes beyond the definition of gender.

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Definition of personal values

Personal values ​​are the moral foundations on which each person relies to conduct themselves through life. It is a set of principles and qualities that someone, in a dynamic way, displays in their day to day life when making decisions or connecting with others. Having a clear understanding of the value of integrity […]

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Definition of self-discovery

Self-discovery is the process that a person carries out to get to know himself. It is what an individual does to modify his perception and build a realistic image of himself. It can be said that self-discovery aims to increase self-knowledge. It is the result of a work of introspection and […]

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Definition of climate justice

Climate justice is a concept that refers to addressing global warming as a political, economic and social problem and not just as a phenomenon of nature and the environment. In this way, it seeks to ensure that actions carried out to mitigate climate change are based on respect for the environment and the environment.

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