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Definition of unfair competition

Unfair competition is any improper or dishonest commercial, business or economic practice that has a negative impact on (or prevents) the competitive process. Whoever commits an act of unfair competition by resorting to conduct or action of a fraudulent or deceptive nature intends to obtain an advantage over their competitors. However, these maneuvers that begin […]

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Definition of ethics of care

Ethics of Care is the name that identifies in Spanish a book written by Carol Gilligan. She is an author of American origin trained as a psychologist and philosopher who proposes an alternative approach or model to the approach to psychology or moral reasoning with marked male influences designed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg. […]

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Definition of situational leadership

Situational leadership is the name of a type of leadership that emerged around the 1970s. It is a model designed by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey that proposes to analyze a certain scenario, taking into consideration the maturity of the team in order to promote leadership styles that are in line with […]

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Definition of ethics in research

Ethics in research is a concept that refers to the protection of the rights of people and animals involved in investigative work. The notion refers to those principles that contribute to preserving well-being and that allow controlling or minimizing the negative consequences of the knowledge construction process. It fits […]

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Definition of freedom of thought

Freedom of thought is a right that many sources present as synonymous with freedom of conscience and intellectual freedom. In multiple resolutions and articles of pacts, declarations and conventions, the importance of respecting and being able to exercise the rights linked to freedom of expression and freedom of thought is highlighted. So, […]

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Definition of restorative justice

Restorative justice is a judicial approach that aims to repair the harm that a crime caused to its direct victims and to the community as a whole. It does not only seek the punishment of the person or persons who caused the harm, but also seeks a collective resolution of the conflict and that the authors […]

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Amnesty International Definition

Amnesty International is the name of a large global social group whose members are dedicated to promoting and defending human rights. It is a movement of activists distributed around the world that is financed by donations, contributions made by members and special actions aimed at raising […]

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Definition of female empowerment

Female empowerment is the process that empowers and strengthens women. This is the set of actions that make visible and recognize the contributions of members of the female gender and the disadvantages they suffer compared to men, demanding equity and equal opportunities. With empowerment, women gain autonomy […]

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Definition of education in values

Education in values ​​is an educational paradigm that seeks to instill respect, empathy and solidarity. It is a training model that transcends the teaching of subjects or subjects and aims to promote civility and inclusion. It should be noted that the concept of education refers to the process that takes place […]

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Definition of social activism

Social activism is public behavior that is developed with the aim of achieving change in society. An activist carries out proselytizing actions and participates in campaigns and initiatives that aim to achieve an objective with an impact on the community. The protection of human rights is usually one of the […]

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