Definition of

Moral values


Moral values ​​are criteria that allow us to define whether a certain action is bad or good.

Values ​​are qualities that are added to the characteristics of an object or a subject. These qualities that are attributed according to attitudes, faculties and/or behaviors can make the assessment positive or negative.

Morality , for its part, is made up of customs, beliefs and norms of an individual or a group of subjects. According to morality, a person determines whether an act is wrong or right and then acts accordingly.

What are moral values

Moral values , therefore, are the criteria that lead a human being to define whether an action is good or bad. The term also refers to a rule or practice that is considered positive. The development and adoption of these values ​​depends on multiple variables, such as education, culture and experience.

It must be emphasized that what moral values ​​are considered to do is perfect each person, make them better in many ways, which will be beneficial both for themselves and for their relationship with others. Of course, each individual is free to decide whether to put them into practice or not.


Solidarity is a moral value.

Honesty and solidarity

Honesty , for example, is a moral value. A person whose parents explained to him from a young age that lying is wrong and who, as he grew up, confirmed that he does not like it when they lie to him or deceive him, will have honesty as one of the moral values ​​that govern his actions . This way, if you discover that a bar is undercharging you because of an error, you will notify the waiter so they can charge you the correct amount.

Another moral value highly appreciated in people is solidarity . An individual can feel empathy for others and make the pain of others their own since they consider it to be the right thing to do. In this way, he tries to be supportive, sharing his wealth and donating his time. Because of this moral value, he feels an inner obligation to help those who need it.

Other moral values

In addition to those already mentioned, we have to highlight that there are many other moral values ​​that are considered universal, such as these:

Respect , both towards oneself and towards others. It is considered to be the basis for a peaceful society.

Kindness , which is related to solidarity and which seeks to have the ability not to act thinking about harming others, to help them when they need it…

Humility , to not feel superior or better than anyone, to be aware of the defects and virtues that one has.

Loyalty , which would be fidelity towards other people, towards the country, towards the company, towards humanity…

Tolerance , which would be respect for other cultures, other ways of understanding life, for everything that is different… That is, it would be about respecting other religions, civilizations, beliefs, sexual orientations…

Perseverance , prudence , responsibility , truth and dignity are other moral values ​​that are considered to exist and that are important for common coexistence . On the other hand, we can also talk about anti-values, such as selfishness, intransigence, betrayal...