Definition of



Firefighters must have great courage to carry out their work.

The Latin. This is the language in which we can find the etymological origin of the word courage . Specifically, it emanates from the sum of the following parts: the verb valere , which is synonymous with "remaining strong and healthy"; ente , which is equivalent to "agent", and the suffix -ia , which can be translated as "quality".

Courage is the encouragement or vigor in the execution of an action. For example: "It takes a man of bravery for such a task" , "I was not brave enough to confront Lord Wilson" , "The firefighter showed his bravery by entering the burning house to rescue the children" , " The grandfather was cured thanks to the doctors and their bravery .

Courage and valor

Bravery is associated with heroism , gallantry and courage . When a person is brave, they manage to overcome their fears or doubts and act decisively and firmly . Courage is demonstrated in big acts (such as in war or an emergency), but also in small, everyday actions (when telling a painful truth to a loved one).

It is possible to understand courage as an effortful action that seems to overcome natural forces . The brave man draws strength from where ordinary people do not have and ends up doing extraordinary things.


Mahatma Gandhi is a historical figure who stood out for his bravery.

The concept in literature and history

Specifically, there are many literary stories and also historical events that have come to praise the bravery of certain characters. Specifically, among the most significant are the following:

«The brave little tailor» . The Brothers Grimm are the authors of this story that revolves around a little tailor who, thanks to his bravery and intelligence, achieves everything he sets out to do in life. This is how he will achieve a succulent reward, a kingdom and also marry a princess.

Mahatma Gandhi . His ingenuity and principles, when it came to preventing India from being occupied and dominated by the British, led him to make peaceful struggle his life premise. Achieving peace and quality of life for his compatriots moved him at all times, regardless of the consequences it might have. He was murdered for his ideals but he always defended them tooth and nail.

Thirteen Roses . Within the Spanish Civil War there were many brave people and even after it, during the post-war period and Franco 's dictatorship. During that period, many men and women continued to advocate for their principles and ideals, although it cost them their lives, as happened to the thirteen women who received this designation.

Courage vs. cowardice

It can be said that courage is a human virtue to carry out an initiative despite difficulties and impediments. These obstacles generate fears that are overcome thanks to bravery and courage.

The opposite of bravery is cowardice . The coward, therefore, does not have the courage or courage to overcome difficulties: "Your father is a coward who has never shown even an ounce of bravery," "I always thought that soldiers were brave, but the general's behavior has made me sad." proven that there are great cowards in the army .