Definition of


No content

Emptiness refers to the lack of content.

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the term emptiness that concerns us now. In this sense, we can state that it derives from Latin, specifically from “vacuitas”, which is the result of the sum of two clearly delimited components:

-The adjective “vacuus”, which is synonymous with “empty”.

-The suffix “-dad”, which is used to indicate “quality”.

This term (empty), in turn, refers to something that lacks content: that is, it is empty .

The notion of emptiness

Generally, the idea of ​​emptiness is used to describe that which has no substance or consistency . Suppose a film critic highlights the emptiness of a film. The specialist will be referring to the fact that the film does not have a central theme that is solid or profound but, on the contrary, it covers its theme in a superficial way and without investigating too much.

In a similar sense, the emptiness of a book can be linked to a lack of sustenance. Take the case of a journalistic investigation that, judging by experts, does not present data or evidence to support the claims. In this way, the emptiness of the journalistic book in question can be mentioned.

blank sheet

When something has no foundation or support, we can speak of its emptiness.

A characteristic of postmodern societies

There are sociologists who maintain that emptiness is a characteristic of postmodern societies . Interpersonal relationships, customs and rituals, for example, are frivolous and superficial. Emptiness, in this sense, colors different facets of daily life, where everything happens quickly and with little reflection, without support or a base .

In some Eastern philosophies, the concept of shuniata appears to name that which has no entity. Shuniata , thus, is emptiness: something that has no independent existence or essence. Different currents of Buddhism appeal to this idea in their doctrines.

Emptiness in Buddhism

Specifically, in Buddhism it is established that emptiness is the ultimate truth and the path to reach it is based on two fundamental stages or phases:

-Identification of the object of denial. At this moment, what the individual must do is proceed to identify in a clear and forceful way the way in which the different phenomena appear before the human being, specifically in his mind, as if they existed in a real way and the way in which that appearance is firmly believed to be true.

-Refutation of the object of denial. This phase basically consists of the person using various methods to certify, realize and assume that the object mentioned does not actually exist.

The concept in different books

Starting from all this, we have to explain that there are many and varied publications that revolve around emptiness. Specifically, among the most relevant are the following:

-“Introduction to emptiness”, by Guy Newland.

-“Clarity and emptiness”, by Lama Thubten Yeshe, who guides the reader through a kind of meditation process until reaching emptiness.