Definition of



It is called the threshold upon entering a place.

The threshold is the entry or initial movement of something: “Please tell your brother to come in, he doesn't have to stay on the threshold of the house,” “The thief hid on the threshold and, when the victim came out, to go to work, he took the opportunity and entered the home” , “The team is on the threshold of a new title” .

In this sense we can also establish that there is an expression that is related to this mentioned meaning. We are referring to the verbal phrase "cross the threshold" . With it, what is being said is that someone specifically has proceeded to enter a home or building.

The threshold as the lowest value

Threshold is the lowest or smallest value of a magnitude that can generate a certain effect. In another sense, the threshold is the smallest amount of a signal that must exist for it to be noticed by a system .

The notion of threshold is linked to the physical possibilities of sensitivity . The threshold is determined as the lowest level of intensity of a stimulus that has a fifty percent chance of being recorded. When the stimulus manages to transmit a nervous impulse, it is considered the threshold.


The hearing threshold is the lowest intensity of a sound that a human ear can perceive.

Some examples linked to physics

The threshold of hearing is therefore the lowest intensity of a sound that a person's ear can detect. The normal value is between zero and twenty-five audiometric db.

Other thresholds linked to hearing are the pain threshold (the sound intensity that, when exceeded, causes damage to the ear) and the masking threshold (linked to the pressure level).

Death threshold

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as the threshold of death . A term used to define the experience suffered by those people who, due to various circumstances, experience a moment of coma or cardiac arrest during which they claim to have seen the well-known light that led them to leave this world. However, they finally manage to survive and remember that moment.

There are various books on this subject, such as the one titled “Death: A Dawn” . Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is the author of said narrative in which she addresses the topic in depth where, among other things, she states that only 10% of the people who were at the aforementioned threshold clearly remember that experience.

A Spanish journalist and writer

Francisco “Paco” Umbral , finally, was a writer and journalist born on May 11, 1932 in the capital of Spain and died on August 28, 2007 .

There are various awards that this author received throughout his extensive literary career. Among them are the National Short Story Prize in 1964 for his work "Tamouré" ; the Nadal Prize in 1975 for "Las Ninfas" ; the Antonio Machado Award in 1990 for the story titled "Tattoo" ; the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature in 1996 ; the Cervantes Prize in 2000 ; and the Mesoreno Romanos Journalism Prize in 2003 .