From the Latin temptatĭo , temptation is the instigation that induces the desire for something . It can be a person, a thing, a circumstance or another type of stimulus. Temptation is associated with seduction and provocation .
For example: “Sweets are an irresistible temptation for me”, “The golfer apologized for his infidelity and said he could not resist the temptations” , “A recovering alcoholic who attends a party is in trouble, since there It is more difficult not to fall into temptation.”
Temptation in religion
In the religious sphere, temptation is the incitement to sin by the Devil (also known as Satan or the Devil ). The Devil can provoke the human being to do or stop doing something, taking advantage of man 's intrinsic weakness to distance him from God .
The first known case of temptation in history is presumably the one that condemned Adam and Eve to eternal sin. And, despite what had been forbidden by God, they could not avoid eating one of the apples that made up the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.
And all because they were tempted and persuaded by a serpent, actually the Devil. In this way, their error led to them being eternally expelled from paradise and punished forever with suffering and death.
Religion maintains that human beings live a constant struggle against temptations that try to take them along the easiest path but far from divine commands. A biblical example is in the temptation that the Devil places in the path of Jesus and Judas : while Jesus does not agree to disobey, Judas ends up betraying his master.
The concept in cinema
In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of various films that revolve around the term we are analyzing. This would be the case, for example, of “The Last Temptation of Christ”, which premiered in 1988.
Martin Scorsese is the director of this film in which the life of Jesus Christ, played by Willem Dafoe, is narrated according to what is established in the Gospels. Of course, it has important changes such as the salvation of the protagonist from crucifixion thanks to an angel, his wedding with Mary Magdalene or his subsequent marriage, after being widowed, with Martha of Bethany.
Within the cinematographic field we also find the production titled “The Temptation”. It is from 1999 and stars Diane Lane and Vigo Mortensen. It tells how a family will see its life change as a result of a vacation in which each of the members will enjoy unforgettable experiences such as infidelity.
Temptation as something negative
Temptation usually appears linked to sexuality and infidelity, or addictive substances such as drugs.
In any case, the concept remains linked to the sinful, even outside the religious conception. When a dieter says that certain foods are “temptation,” they are labeling those foods as something bad or something to avoid.