Definition of


brain communication

Telepathy is the transmission of psychic content between people without the intervention of physical agents.

Telepathy is the transmission of psychic content between people without the intervention of known physical agents. The concept is also used to name the coincidence of thoughts or sensations without the help of the senses, which suggests that there is some type of communication of unknown characteristics.

It can be said, therefore, that telepathy is the transfer of mental content between individuals without the use of any of the five senses . It is, therefore, a form of extrasensory perception.

Telepathy and science

It is important to keep in mind that the existence of telepathy has not been scientifically proven , despite the fact that all kinds of experiments have been carried out throughout history . The main argument for the impossibility of telepathic communication is that the human brain cannot produce enough energy to transmit information on its own.

Scientists, in any case, leave the door open for telepathy to be a reality in the future, when technology can be developed that allows interpreting brain waves and transforming them into a message that the receiver can capture wirelessly through a device. (which means, however, that direct brain-to-brain communication would not exist).

This lack of scientific evidence about the phenomenon, however, does not prevent telepathy from being a frequent theme in books, movies and all types of works of fiction. Many people throughout history have even claimed the ability to communicate telepathically, even though they could not reliably prove it.


According to science, the human brain is not capable of transmitting information by itself, so telepathy is not possible.

extrasensory ability

As with any extrasensory ability, with telepathy there are two well-defined extremes: those who take advantage of it to make money, through shows and services; those who experience it naturally and accept it as just another part of life. Although there are people who consider the existence of an ability of these characteristics absurd, this does not prevent there from being others who claim to be able to communicate with their environment through the mind, and therefore the veracity of this phenomenon cannot be ruled out simply based on in which science has not been able to reach a solid conclusion.

It is not uncommon to hear that two friends or brothers claim to anticipate the things that the other is going to say or do, or that they usually realize that they have been thinking about the same topics without having given any indication to the other party. This gives rise to a discussion in which the detractors of telepathy try to justify these coincidences with the deep knowledge of the other; Furthermore, this type of connection is usually not voluntary, but spontaneous, which makes testing considerably difficult.

Anticipation through telepathy

It is easy to demolish the theory that two people are capable of communicating without using their senses, just as at the time it was possible to ridicule someone who claimed that the Earth was spherical; But, even if we side with those who rule out this possibility, the mere fact of getting to know another living being enough to anticipate its ideas , its thoughts and its words is truly fascinating.

Some scholars affirm that from close contact with another person a representation of their personality arises that we feed in our brain, as if it were an entity that brings together all the characteristics that we know about the other through the relationship, and that exists in our interior, as if it were an avatar. This explains why someone can imitate their loved ones, or anticipate their actions. This phenomenon is not very different from the construction of characters carried out by actors.