The Latin word serenĭtas came to our language as serenity . It is about the characteristic of that or that which is or which is serene . This term (serene), for its part, can be used as an adjective to describe someone who is calm, relaxed or restful .
For example: "He is a coach who transmits serenity to his players, something that is very important in this type of tournaments" , "The serenity of the sea invited them to sail without worries" , "I was surprised by Raúl's serenity when he found out the news » .
Serenity and the human being
Applied to humans , the concept of serenity is usually associated with a person's ability to act in a rational and temperate manner at all times . The subject who is serene, in this way, does not allow himself to be carried away by impulses or emotions.
Suppose a fire breaks out in a house and a person is trapped inside a room, surrounded by flames that advance through the property. If the individual maintains serenity, he will try to find a way out while protecting his integrity. On the other hand, a man who becomes desperate about the situation may limit himself to shouting and carrying out actions that will not facilitate his escape from the place.
There are people who have a serene character, but there are others who, due to certain life circumstances such as stress or dramatic situations, have completely lost their serenity. Therefore, it is established that the latter must take measures to recover it as it will help them have a much calmer life.
How to regain calm
Specifically, it is determined that there are certain guidelines and actions that can be developed in order to achieve said serenity. However, among the most significant are the following:
-The first thing will be to try to discover what is causing you to lose your serenity and to have feelings of anxiety , frustration or sadness.
-In the same way, it is essential to begin to relativize things and give importance only to what is important, not to get upset over any trifle.
-It is advisable to proceed to carry out activities that not only "clear" and serve to get away from the daily routine but also to find that necessary relaxation and inner peace . Specifically, among the most appropriate are yoga or Pilates, for example.
-On many occasions, people who are afflicted by a total and absolute lack of serenity is because they are very demanding, both with others and with themselves. Hence, it is essential that they remedy this, since a level that is too excessive in this aspect will bring with it sadness, frustration, anger, a feeling of failure...
-Enjoying the small pleasures in life is another really important measure in this regard.
serenity in nature
The idea of serenity can also be applied to nature . In this case, it is linked to the absence of meteorological conditions that agitate or alter the environment .
A beach is serene when there is no wind, to name one possibility. The same can be said of a volcano that has not erupted in a long time.