Definition of



Wisdom is associated with a high level of knowledge.

The first thing to know about the term wisdom that concerns us now is its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it derives from Latin, specifically from the verb "sapere", which is synonymous with "having intelligence and good taste."

The first meaning of wisdom mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the highest level of knowledge . Whoever possesses wisdom, therefore, has knowledge and a deep understanding about some subject. For example: "As soon as the conference began, Dr. Milcotzer's wisdom became evident thanks to his reflections and explanations" , "I'm going to call my cousin Eduardo, who has great wisdom when it comes to mechanics" , "I admire the Japanese wisdom in technology .

Wisdom, therefore, is a person's advanced understanding of a matter. If a man completes a bachelor's degree in literature , obtains a doctorate in German literature , and attends various seminars, he is likely to develop literary wisdom. This will mean that you know a lot about the subject.

Wisdom and intelligence

The idea of ​​wisdom is also used to name intelligent or sensible conduct or behavior . It is often mentioned that a soccer player has wisdom when, thanks to his experience and vision of the game, he knows how to position himself correctly on the playing field, assist his teammates and manage the pace of the game.

It is important to clarify that wisdom is not always linked to the accumulation of theoretical or technical knowledge . A person can study for years and yet not have wisdom, since he does not have the ability to apply the knowledge he acquired. Likewise, an individual can achieve wisdom through observation or trial/error testing.


Advanced understanding of a subject is known as wisdom.

Knowledge from generation to generation

In the same way, we cannot forget the so-called popular wisdom, under whose name there are numerous knowledge, learning and experiences of past generations that are progressively transmitted to subsequent ones. On many occasions it is based on "urban legends" and on others it is a great lesson. Reflections of it are, for example, proverbs.

For psychology, specifically for the so-called positive psychology , wisdom is presented as a human strength and is defined as the ability of a person to acquire information and use it in the most positive and beneficial way possible, both for themselves and for others. the others.

Mayan wisdom

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore what has been called Mayan wisdom. Basically it is a term used to refer to the set of ancestral knowledge and information that spiritual guides had within that culture. It was a wisdom that was kept absolutely secret from generation to generation and was considered fundamental to determining the consciousness and social personality of its people.

A good example of this are certain predictions or theories that have been revealed and that even today, in the 21st century, are considered accurate or, at least, illuminating.