Concept of

I respect


Understanding and appreciation of others are necessary to build a community where respect prevails.

Respect is the veneration or respect given to someone. It generally includes regard, consideration and deference . The word respect comes from the Latin respectus which translates as "attention" or "consideration" .

Starting from this definition, we can establish that a clear example of respect occurs when we have to attend the funeral or burial of someone we know. Thus, we approach the relatives of the deceased and show them our respect for this tragic event, we convey our support and also let them know our sadness.

Respect as a value

Respect is a value that allows man to recognize, accept, appreciate and value the qualities of others and their rights . That is, respect is the recognition of one's own value and the rights of individuals and society .

Respect is not only manifested towards the actions of people or towards the laws. It is also expressed towards authority , as happens with students and their teachers or children and their parents.

Whoever behaves with respect, does so with courtesy and kindness . Respectful behavior requires empathy to recognize the dignity of others. Courage can also be associated with humility, integrity and sensitivity.

Rules of etiquette, good manners and norms of civility are some of the cultural conventions that must be taken into account to act respectfully. If someone does not say hello when entering a place, for example, they will not be behaving in a respectful manner.

Its importance for peaceful coexistence

Respect allows society to live in peace , in a healthy coexistence based on norms and institutions. It implies recognizing the rights and obligations in oneself and in others, which is why it is usually summarized in the phrase "do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you."

On the contrary, lack of respect generates violence and confrontations. When said offense corresponds to the violation of a rule or law, it is even punished at a formal level. This punishment can be a financial fine or even imprisonment.

If diversity is not respected and there is no acceptance of differences in a society, conflicts are likely to arise frequently. Only with inclusion and upholding the principle of non-discrimination can healthy interactions develop.


Respect for human rights is essential in a rule of law.

The lack of respect

There are many, and of varying severity, the lack of respect that exists within the framework of our current society. Thus, for example, there are those that occur within the workplace, such as when the boss does not treat his workers as human beings but as slaves. However, they also take place within the family when children insult their parents or yell at them.

Bad education , the absence of tolerance with respect to the ideas or ways of life of others , pride and egocentrism are some of the elements that most frequently cause these lack of respect, which are increasingly common in areas such as, For example, school, where the number of students who confront and insult their teachers has increased.

When a dialogue escapes the boundaries of respectful debate and personal boundaries are crossed, harmony is broken. Disrespect usually constitutes the first step in an escalation of violence that, sometimes, even reaches physical aggression.


Multiculturalism is based on respect for multiculturalism (that is, the coexistence of different cultures). This position recognizes the positive of pluralism in the construction of a society.

The principles of multiculturalism include respect for traditions and respect for religion . Freedom of thought and freedom of expression, in this framework, must be guaranteed.

Take the case of a cosmopolitan city. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus coexist there. They are people with different ways of dressing, who have different customs and who perform rituals of various kinds. For peace to exist in this city, each inhabitant has to respect the values ​​and habits of the other.


To foster collaboration in a team, all members must act with respect and generosity.

Respect for nature

Respect for nature is the attitude that an individual or an entity assumes when their actions do not have a negative impact on the environment. This stance of environmental responsibility contributes to sustainability .

A family that camps next to a river and, upon returning home, picks up all the waste it generated, shows respect for the environment. This group does not leave a mark on the place, so its activity does not produce an impact.

Ethics also leads many people to consider animal welfare . Thus, respect for animal rights means that meat is not consumed nor products obtained through the exploitation of other species are used.

Other ways to understand the concept

Likewise, we cannot ignore the fact that on other occasions the term respect is used with different meanings. Thus, we find that in the way of speaking about criminals ( germanía ), respect is alluded to to refer to two issues. Firstly, it can be used as a synonym for sword , and secondly to define any person who is maintaining romantic and sexual relationships with another.

On the other hand, looking at something or someone with respect can also refer to fear or suspicion . For example: "You have to have respect for the sea, since it can be dangerous" , "Never lose respect for the mountains" , "In prison I earned respect with the strength of my fists" .