Definition of



The quality of the person who is reflective is called reflexivity.

In order to establish and understand the meaning of the term reflexivity , the first thing to do is determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can state that it derives from Latin since the word is composed of different components of said language, such as these: the prefix “re-”, which means “backwards”; the adjective “flexum”, which is synonymous with “bent”, and the suffix “-ivo”, which is used to indicate an active or passive relationship.

The idea of ​​reflexivity is linked to the characteristics of the person who is reflective (that is, who usually reflects before doing or saying something ). Reflecting, on the other hand, consists of analyzing something carefully .

For example: “Reflexivity is not part of my being: I usually act on impulse, without thinking too much about the consequences of my actions” , “We need to hire someone who demonstrates reflexivity when making important decisions for the company” , “ “Manuel came to the position thanks to reflexivity and patience.”

Reflexivity, introspection and ethics

Reflexivity is also associated with introspection . Those who are reflective usually turn inward, paying particular attention to their thoughts and moods. In this way, the introspective or reflective subject is not characterized by sharing his emotions or externalizing what he feels.

It is important to know that there is a principle that responds to the name of ethical reflexivity . With it, what becomes clear is that the thoughts that each of us have directly influences all the facts about which we think or in which we act. This means, among other things, that it helps us stay “stuck” to reality.


When you analyze something carefully, you act reflexively.

A George Soros theory

With respect to all that, we have to highlight the existence of what is known as George Soros 's theory of reflexivity . This, among many other things, is an American philanthropist of Hungarian origin, who has developed it to, for example, analyze the changes, fluctuations and actions of human beings with respect to the economy and finances. From this theory, several keys can be obtained that support it:

-The knowledge of the world that human beings have is imperfect because it is part of the world that they are trying to understand.

-To understand this world and to be able to adapt it to what suits him, what man does is develop the cognitive and manipulative functions respectively.

Reflexivity in psychology

Within the field of psychology , reflexivity is combined with impulsivity in a cognitive style (the way people process data and make use of their cognition resources).

When faced with a situation that requires a response, a person can act impulsively or reflexively. In the first case, the individual favors quick action even when this could lead to an error. With reflexivity, on the other hand, it is preferred to act only when this action is considered appropriate after an analysis.

The cognitive style of impulsivity/reflexivity is formed from the balance between both tendencies. Impulsiveness allows you to act quickly but with a high probability of error; Reflexivity, on the other hand, minimizes errors, but can cause valuable time to be lost before action.