Definition of



Reasoning makes learning and problem solving possible.

Reasoning is the process and result of reasoning . This verb , for its part, consists of organizing and structuring ideas to reach a conclusion . For example: "I think your reasoning is incorrect: Mariano should not have done that under any circumstances," "I don't understand what your reasoning is," "My son, on many occasions, surprises me with his reasoning."

Reasoning, therefore, implies a certain mental activity that results in the development of concepts . These concepts can be used for persuasive purposes or to carry out a certain demonstration.

What is reasoning

Reasoning, in short, enables problem solving and learning through logic, reflection and other tools. According to the mental activity in question, it is possible to differentiate between more than one type of reasoning.

We can see how reasoning works in numerous examples. Suppose a man sitting on the beach considers the possibility of swimming for a while in the sea. While on the sand, he watches as a lifeguard rescues a swimmer who was being swept away by the current. Five minutes later, a similar scene repeats itself. From the shore, the man finally decides not to enter the ocean: his reasoning indicates that it is a dangerous day to swim.


It is possible to differentiate between different types of reasoning.

A trial as a starting point

Logical reasoning consists of starting from a certain judgment to determine whether another is valid, possible or false. Since logic is responsible for studying arguments, it also participates indirectly when studying reasoning.

Normally, the judgments on which reasoning is based serve to express prior knowledge or, at least, have been presented as hypotheses. Within this group, we can talk about various types of reasoning.

Inductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning , which is also known as inductive logic , has the purpose of studying the tests that make possible the measurement of the probability of the rules to generate solid inductive arguments, as well as the measurement of the arguments themselves.

It is distinguished from deductive reasoning, described below, in that it does not provide tools for deciding whether an argument is valid or not. Therefore, the concept of inductive force is used, which serves to describe how likely it is that a conclusion is true if its premises are true.

The deduction

Within the scope of logic , deductive reasoning represents an argument in which the conclusion must be inferred from the premises.

Formally, it is possible to define deductions as finite sequences of formulas, in which the conclusion (of the deduction) is the last of them, and all are premises, axioms or arise from inferring directly from some of the previous ones through certain rules. , called transformation or inference , which are functions that analyze the syntax of the premises and produce a conclusion;

Abductive reasoning and argumentative reasoning

Abductive reasoning is a type of reasoning that begins when a phenomenon or event is described and allows us to reach a hypothesis that offers an explanation for its possible motives or reasons through the premises obtained.

According to the English logician, scientist and philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce, who is considered the founder and father of pragmatism and modern semiotics, we must refer to abductive reasoning using the term conjectures . Conjectures try to be the most probable or correct explanation at first glance.

Argumentative reasoning , finally, is associated with arguments linked to language production. An argument, in this sense, expresses in words the result of reasoning.