Definition of



Stillness can be associated with rest.

Stillness is a term that comes from still , a Latin word. The concept is used to name that which does not move and which, therefore, is in a state of rest .

For example: "On a day like today, the stillness of the sea invites you to sail" , "I can't stand the stillness of people who have a problem and do nothing to solve it" , "It is a very quiet town , although the stillness can bore certain people .

Stillness can have a positive or negative tint depending on the context . In general, it is associated with peace and tranquility . In this sense, people usually seek stillness when they need to rest or relax , since it means getting away from the stress and problems of modern life.

Negative aspects of stillness

In other cases, however, stillness is linked to a lack of action or activity , an issue that can be harmful. If a politician talks about the "quietness of the tourism market" , to cite one possibility, he will be referring to the fact that there is no activity in the sector and, therefore, no income is produced.

An individual immersed in stillness, on the other hand, may be suffering from a depressive pit . Generally, people are expected to be on the move , both physically and mentally: a subject must go to work or study, have a social life, have projects to develop, etc. If, on the other hand, you lie down all day, without leaving your house, you will find yourself in a state of stillness that is not healthy.

Lack of activity can have negative consequences both physically and mentally . The body needs movement to function properly; If nothing else, going for a walk for an hour a day and breathing the cleanest air we can find is a good way to avoid all types of muscular and bone complications that occur after spending hours sitting or lying down, especially if we do not adopt a good position.


In its negative meaning, stillness is linked to depression or apathy.

The importance of social interaction

With respect to the brain, we cannot forget that we live immersed in a system in which contact with the rest of living beings opens doors for us . The stillness that comes with not interacting with people feeds a feeling of dissatisfaction with life that can be hidden behind the false idea that we do not need others to be well. However, this idea is not healthy, since it is through social ties that we can undertake large-scale projects, study, learn from other cultures, feel the pleasure of helping someone when they need it most or receive help in moments more difficult.

Opening up to others brings many more benefits than what is apparent; In addition to providing us with cultural and work opportunities, for example, it helps us to know ourselves better, since when we see ourselves reflected in another living being we can take a little distance and polish certain aspects of our person that are not evident in the stillness of intimacy.

The stillness and the rest

The best examples of the importance of keeping the mind and body active are those older people who never seem to get tired, who despite their age are always active and engaged , and who contrast violently with the poor elderly who spend their days locked up. in a nursing home without the strength to clean himself or eat on his own . Avoiding a gray ending is up to us.

Rest is essential to enjoy physical and mental health, which is why stillness, in its negative meaning, should not be confused with rest . To stay active it is also necessary to recover energy and know how to use it at the time of greatest productivity .