Definition of



Purpose can be linked to a goal.

From the Latin propositum , purpose is the intention or desire to do or stop doing something . In everyday speech, it is usually used in the expression on purpose as a synonym for the term on purpose , to indicate a deliberate action , generally harmful or annoying to a third party.

The purpose is also an objective, something that you want to achieve and that requires effort and certain sacrifices. It may be a goal related to personal development, as seen in the sentence "My goal is to finish my degree in two years and then travel to Europe to look for work as a professional," or the reason behind a difficult decision. , "The company was forced to lay off twenty employees in order to reduce its expenses."

Purpose is, on the other hand, the issue or matter about which one speaks in a speech: «Regarding the sanction to its coach, the Argentine Football Association declared that it will not send any representative to the draw that will determine the groups. of the next World Championship» , «The holidays, regarding what you told me, will be agreed upon next month» . In this case, it is possible to exchange the expression on purpose with with respect to , unlike what was stated in the first paragraph.

Purpose as meaning

On a deeper and more transcendental level, the purpose of a human being is the meaning he gives to his life . Who I am, where I come from, why I am here and where I am going are some of the questions that men try to answer to find the purpose of their existence. These questions do not necessarily wait for a defined and precise answer, but rather they function as the engine of life; The mere possibility of finding the reasons for our passage on Earth is enough to continue moving forward.

Needless to say, the desire to delve into our roots , to search our essence for who we really are and why we exist does not characterize all human beings, but only the few who are not willing to walk the same path as their ancestors. blindly, as if life were a closed and linear circuit.

Searching for the purpose of our existence requires great will , since it represents a decision that will impact all aspects of life ; After the first attempt to look beyond the obvious , once we find the first revealing answer, we can no longer turn back. When it is understood that deliberately harming a living being is cruel, it is already too late to decide to do it; When we visualize a future in which we are free to know the world, to discover ourselves at every step, it is impossible to stay in the nest.


Finding your purpose in life can be difficult.

Different points of view

Of course, in the absence of an irrefutable truth , it may be as valid to believe that we must find the purpose of life as it is to say that there is no such thing, that we are simply matter completing a merely biological cycle on a planet like so many others, in a galaxy like so many others. The existence of a god, love, friendship, vocation... The sensitivity of each individual causes these issues to be ordered in a hierarchical system that directs their days, which defines their personality.

Human beings have created schools and universities, training centers that grant a certificate of aptitude to their students, a document that serves as proof of their academic performance . But what about our time in the world? Who tells us if we have done it right or wrong? Is Mozart's work worth more than that of a humble worker who sacrificed himself throughout his life to support his ten children? Can it be said that both found their purpose?