Definition of



Anyone who tries to appear more important than they are can be described as presumptuous.

Presumptuous , an adjective from the Latin word praesumptuosus that is linked to the notion of presumption . A presumption, on the other hand, can be the conjecture that is made from a sign or the glorification that a person makes of himself.

A presumptuous individual, therefore, is one who makes an excessive assessment of his or her qualities or properties , appearing haughty and haughty. For example: “The presumptuous tone with which he addressed those present was poorly received,” “I don't want to be presumptuous, but I think we did an excellent job,” “My nephew is very presumptuous: he always drives around with his luxury car.” and the music at full volume, making itself noticed.”

Notion of presumptuous

The notion of presumptuous can be related to something that is intended to be shown as more important than it is . If an individual purchases a standard house but claims that he has bought a mansion , someone might notice that it is presumptuous to qualify a home with the characteristics in question in that way.

In a similar sense, if a young man who plays soccer with his friends in a park defines himself as a soccer player, he could be accused of being presumptuous for equating himself with those who practice this sport professionally.

The opposite of someone who is presumptuous is a person who is humble or discreet . This means that an individual who is a millionaire but who does not flaunt his money or appear surrounded by luxury cannot be defined as presumptuous, but could even be described as discreet since he does not flaunt what he has.


Presumptuous is the opposite of discreet or humble.

Its importance in interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships are one of the most necessary aspects of our lives, but also one of the most difficult to carry out and maintain. Even for those who develop a friendly and carefree character, who make everyone fall in love with their charisma, making friends or dealing with our acquaintances can represent a real challenge. Sometimes, without really meaning to, we can be classified as presumptuous in front of other people simply because we do not know how to express ourselves in the appropriate way , or because our message has not been understood correctly.

One of the reasons why it is so difficult for us to build relationships is the difficulty that many have in receiving and accepting differences with openness. Currently, there are many movements that support diversity to fight against all types of discrimination but it never seems to be enough; Despite understanding that wealth lies in differences, the barriers that have been imposed on us since childhood tend to hinder our approach to other cultures or, a much smaller distance, to other customs and ideas.

Being presumptuous can be confused with proudly displaying one's own merits simply to share them with our environment; For example, if we successfully pass a very difficult exam or get a job that we have been pursuing for a long time, the way in which we tell this to our friends and acquaintances can be misinterpreted as an act of arrogance or ostentation, even if our intention is absolutely opposite .

Another meaning of the term presumptuous

The term presumptuous is also often used when expressing disagreement with a service , such as service in a restaurant or hotel, for example.

When a company tries to give an image of seriousness and targets an exclusive audience, highlighting the quality of its facilities or the products and services it offers to its customers, it exposes itself to an especially high degree of scrutiny ; If their promises are not kept but, on the contrary, consumers feel disappointed, they are likely to accuse them of being presumptuous, of having exaggerated when describing their benefits.