Definition of



A positive individual is optimistic.

The Latin word positivus came into our language as positive . It is an adjective with multiple uses according to the context.

It can refer, for example, to something that is affirmative and unequivocal : “The anti-doping control gave a positive result to the Russian tennis player: the presence of ephedrine was detected in his urine” , “My vote is positive: I am in favor of the reform of this law” , “The boss gave me a positive answer so, starting tomorrow, I will change my work shift” .

Positive , on the other hand, is what is good , effective or useful : “The first meeting with the Japanese was positive: I hope we can reach an agreement,” “I think the tournament is being positive for the team because we have already won more games.” than last year,” “María always tells me that it is not positive that I react this way, but I can't help it.”

The positive individual

When a person is described as positive, it means that he is optimistic and always tries to look at the good side of things: “I am a very positive man, I don't like to waste time worrying about the bad” , “I am going to think “I don't understand how you can be positive at a time like this .

In this sense, as we already indicated, the term positive works as a synonym for optimistic, since it describes the constructive attitude towards problems or obstacles, the look that seeks potential solutions instead of unnecessarily highlighting what cannot be repaired. The opposite is a pessimistic person, although sometimes a realist is accused of being a pessimist, simply for accepting problems instead of trying to deny them.


In mathematics, a positive number is greater than 0.

The concept in mathematics

In the field of mathematics , a number is positive when it is greater than 0 (and, therefore, is not negative): 3, 8, 125 and 8680 are positive numbers. The applications in this case are many, since various types of numbers can be positive or negative, such as integers and rational numbers.

Generally, when talking about positive numbers we have the idea of ​​"advancing" along a Cartesian axis , while with negative numbers we graph just the opposite. In other words, if we have the point (4,2), where 4 corresponds to the position on the X axis and 2 to that of the Y axis, and we say that it advances 4 units in X, this is interpreted as the sum of 4 to the value of X, that is, as a positive displacement along the X axis.

Positive as movement and in electricity

This is how people tend to think, for example, about the movement of objects and characters in the virtual worlds of movies and video games. Thus, in a racing game, for example, the aim is to align the cars in such a way that their progress along the tracks corresponds to a sum along their horizontal axes.

Of course, in this case there is a more complex situation than that of a simple graph on a blackboard: the axes of each object are not always perfectly aligned with those of the world; in fact, they rarely are. For this reason, a distinction is made between "local" and "global" space; In this way, a movement that for an object can mean a positive translation on its local X axis, can also entail a subtraction on the global X axis.

The positive electrical charge , finally, is the type of charge that protons have (unlike electrons, which have a negative charge).