Definition of



The perfect is linked to the highest possible level.

Originating from the Latin perfectus , the word perfect describes the thing, organism or individual that meets the highest possible level of excellence in relation to other elements of the same species or nature. If something is perfect, there is no possibility of doing it better, since there is nothing superior to what has already been achieved. For example: “This is the perfect car: it is cheap, spends little and offers many comforts” , “It was the perfect trip: we enjoyed ten days in the sun, we rested and saw new places” , “Everything went perfectly at the party, Luckily we had a great time.”

Of course, the notion of perfection has a certain degree of subjectivity since, in a certain way, completely perfect does not exist. Taking the examples above, perhaps it would be possible that the “perfect car” was even cheaper or that the “perfect trip” was a little longer.

Perfect is also what has the highest level of a specific quality or defect : “Ricardo is a perfect administrator who manages to get the most out of the available resources” , “It is difficult for me to admit it, but the truth is that this man is a perfect idiot.” ” .

The perfect in the right

However, we cannot forget that this concept that we are addressing is also very present in the field of law . Specifically, in this sector what is known as a perfect contract is used.

A denomination is one with which what is intended to be expressed is that this document or agreement, whether written or oral, has all the necessary and required requirements for it to have the corresponding and necessary legal effectiveness.


The perfect can be associated with the exact or concrete.

The term in mathematics

For the field of mathematics, the group of perfect numbers is composed of figures from the set of natural numbers that are equal to the sum of their own positive divisors, without counting themselves.

An example of a perfect number is 6 , since it has 1 , 2 and 3 as positive divisors, and the sum of said digits ( 1+2+3 ) is equal to itself ( 6 ).

Perfect in language and cinema

In linguistics , the grammatical aspect is a property of verbs to account for the completion or not of the action at the time of enunciation. The perfect aspect indicates that the action has already been completed, while the imperfect aspect reflects an unfinished action.

Thus, in the field of language, we find a series of verbal forms that make use of the perfect term that we are now analyzing. Thus, there is the conditional perfect , the future perfect , the past perfect , the past perfect compound or the past perfect simple .

And all this without forgetting what is known as perfect rhyme . This is a poetic type composition that is fundamentally characterized by the fact that it is produced between two or more verses whose last words coincide in phonemes based on what is the accented vowel.

This is what is also known as consonant rhyme, which has been used throughout the History of Literature by great authors such as Antonio Machado or Félix María de Samaniego , among others.

Finally, to all this we should add that the world of cinema has also used the term in question. Thus, we find films such as “A Perfect World” (2011), “The Perfect Stranger” (2011) or “Perfect Plan” (2012).