Definition of



To endure implies to remain in time.

Perdurate is a term originating from the Latin perdurare which refers to persisting or remaining over time . What lasts is what is preserved in the same conditions despite the passing of the days.

For example: “The important thing is not to reach the top of a profession or trade: the important thing is to last there” , “I am sure that our love will last over time” , “Why do you think that the crisis will last for always? I have hope that things will soon change for the better.”

endure as to remain or subsist

In the case of human beings , the notion of enduring is usually associated with remaining in people's memories even after their physical disappearance. It can be said, therefore, that a person endures when, after his death, he continues to be a reason for talk, tribute or reminder due to his legacy: “The work of this great man will endure in his town,” “Enduring is something that will never last."Someone as mediocre as you will get it," "I don't care about lasting: I'm more interested in recognition in life."

Certain things, on the other hand, endure as long as they are current or in use. A certain model of soccer jersey can last for several tournaments, until the team in question launches a new model.


The umbrella and many other inventions have managed to endure.

Inventions that crossed the ages

Let's look at some inventions that have lasted over time:

  • The pen : since 1938 , and thanks to the effort and dedication of several engineers, it is possible to have a writing instrument that allows thousands of strokes to be made for little money. The genius of this invention was the contribution of Laszlo Joszef Biro , a Hungarian inventor who proposed placing a small ball at the tip to regulate the output of ink.
  • The light bulb : known in some countries as a light bulb , the electric light bulb revolutionized the life of human beings since it provided them for the first time with a constant light source that required much less maintenance than the systems known until then, such as gas lamps. While its invention is usually attributed to Thomas Alva Edison in 1879 , there is evidence of previous experiments with the same technology, including the work of Joseph Wilson Swan , of England .
  • The pencil : it is the oldest writing instrument, surpassing the pen by almost two centuries. One of its main characteristics is that its lines can be erased very easily and that makes it ideal for certain activities such as drawing and learning languages ​​with very complex characters, such as Chinese. At the end of the 18th century , Nicolas-Jacques Conté was responsible for creating the method we continue to use today to produce pencils, based on hardening the graphite and clay core in a kiln and coating it with wood.
  • The umbrella : in its oldest form, this invention was used to protect the skin from the sun's rays, which is why it was called parasol , among others. As a curious fact, until the 19th century , it was an exclusive accessory for women. Be that as it may, given that the summers would never be cool and that the rain would be with us forever, this accessory was created to last. We owe the first folding umbrella to inventor Hans Haupt , who introduced it to the market in 1928 .

Enduring according to philosophy

In the field of philosophy , a doctrine about the persistence of individuality is known as perdurantism .

For perdurantism, things are composed of various phases; endurantism, on the other hand, maintains that the entity remains unchanged. Prominent perdurantist philosophers include David Lewis , Jonathan Edwards , and W. V. Quine .