Definition of



The concept of forgiveness is important in the religious field.

Forgiveness is the action of forgiving , a verb that refers to requesting or granting someone remission of an obligation or fault . Before the moment of forgiveness, the person who requests it must be repentant, while the person harmed by the offense must be willing to leave the problem behind.

For example: “Claudia knows that she made many irreparable mistakes and that is why she apologized to her entire family,” “I apologize, I never thought that my words could cause you so much harm,” “There is no point in apologizing now, after having "He spent his entire life mistreating and humiliating him without mercy."

Forgiveness, therefore, is the remission of a pending obligation, of an offense received or of a penalty deserved for the offense. When forgiving , indulgence, tolerance or understanding is expressed in the face of another's error : “Don't worry, I forgive you. “I want everything to go back to how it was before.”

Forgiveness in religion

Religions place great importance on forgiveness. Among religious mandates is often the need to give others a second chance, to apologize for one's own offenses, and to request divine forgiveness for sins.

The sacrament of confession is the way to ask God for forgiveness, and must have a priest as intermediary.

The resentment and the magnitude of the fault

Depending on various cultural factors, forgiveness can take on considerable weight, becoming a gift that only a select group of people should obtain. The hatred and resentment that grows in one person who does not forgive another can be equally frustrating and damaging for both parties.

Many times, resentment and the desire for revenge blind us and magnify the mistakes of others. Although it is advisable to avoid this burden, it is true that not all failures are worthy of our forgiveness, and this makes the analysis more complex.

From a superficial point of view, voluntary and involuntary actions can be distinguished; Within both groups, in turn, according to the consequences of each one, it is possible to classify them according to the type of damage they cause to others. In this way, it is understandable that the loss of someone else's book cannot be compared to an attempted murder.


Whoever asks for forgiveness seeks to correct a mistake they committed and move on.

The freedom to grant or deny forgiveness

Of course, given the complexity of our brain and the diversity of the situations that we generate and go through throughout our lives, a mere headline should not be taken as a complete representation of a fact and, consequently, it is not enough to issue an opinion. judgment. Returning to the example of the attempted murder, the morality of many people would not need more information to ensure that it is an unjustifiable sin .

However, for another percentage of the population, there are certain reasons that may justify such action; For example, if the victim of an abuser plans to take his life, much of public opinion will be in his favor. In any case, human beings can freely choose who to forgive, and many times we do so for our own well-being.

A path to peace

Forgiving, even the deepest wounds, gives us peace , takes a considerable weight off our shoulders, and allows us to move forward, leave harmful experiences behind and rebuild ourselves, to become stronger. Denying it, on the contrary, extends the repercussion of the offenses we have received, making them stay with us for years, even long after we have cut off the relationship with our aggressors.

The term forgiveness, finally, has several uses typical of a formal conversation; For example, it is used to interrupt another subject's speech and take the floor ( "Sorry, but I don't agree, I think the best thing would be..." ) or to make the interlocutor notice that something has not been understood ( "Excuse me." ? What are you talking about?" ).