Definition of



The idea of ​​passion is usually linked to romantic love and sexual attraction.

From the Latin passio , the concept of passion has different uses. It is the action of suffering , which involves a disturbance or disordered affect of the mood. Being written with an initial capital letter ( Passion ), the term refers to the Passion of Jesus Christ (the Stations of the Cross from the moment he was captured until his crucifixion and subsequent burial).

The Via Crucis, Via Dolorosa or Way of the Cross is represented through a series of images of the Passion , which are the stations that correspond to particular incidents that Jesus Christ suffered to save humanity.

The Passion of Jesus Christ is composed of fifteen stations, which include his arrest, the denial by Peter , the sentence to death by Pontius Pilate , the crucifixion and his resurrection (this last station was added by Pope John Paul II ).

Passion as a vehement hobby or strong inclination

In another sense, passion is known as the vehement affection towards something (for example, “Literature is my passion” ) and the very strong inclination of someone towards another person ( “I love you with passion” ).

In the first case, it refers to the need to do something because there is an internal force that moves the individual to do it, above all it is linked to an artistic vocation. In the second example, passion is rather associated with love and sexual attraction . Two passionate people put aside rationality and behave emotionally. In other words, passion is led by the heart and not the brain.

It is important to emphasize that when a person responds to their passion, their main intention is to satisfy their desire and express their feelings without restrictions or limits.


For millions of people, football is a passion.

Misunderstandings about the term

Although when searching for the meaning of the concept in the RAE dictionary we find that it refers more to something positive than dangerous, in many cultures it is understood as a synonym for fanaticism or obsession . That is, as a feeling of discomfort related to anxiety that causes an individual to be dragged into doing things they do not want in pursuit of a goal, keeping said obsession alive.

For example, in certain cultures, the fanaticism that certain subjects feel for football can be considered a form of passion, which leads them to behave in a violent and discriminatory manner towards fans of the opposing team.

At this point it is important to mention that although a passion is a very strong feeling that someone has towards another person or activity, it should not be taken as something negative but rather as a state of deep emotion where they let themselves be carried away by their feelings, frees from its moorings.

The positive of passion

A person who lives thinking about another and who allows himself to be for the good of that individual, forgetting about his own needs, is not passionate but suffers from a psychic alteration that prevents him from thinking about himself . On the contrary, in the field of love, a passion can lead a person to break with their principles , allowing themselves to be carried away by their own feelings, whose main objective is to satisfy their desires and achieve their well-being.

In the professional field, someone who is passionate is a person who loves their job in a way that those around them cannot understand. A lover of letters, to mention one case, is someone who is not afraid of being alone if he can spend every day of his life writing and reading. It cannot be understood then that this feeling hurts him but rather that it allows him to grow and fulfill himself as a person , in the way in which he has decided and doing what he feels he should do.