Optimism is the predisposition to understand and analyze reality from its most positive aspect . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) also recognizes another meaning of the term, mentioning that it can refer to the philosophical doctrine that grants the universe the highest degree of perfection possible.
It is interesting to mention that this word finds its origin in the Latin optimum ( "the best" ). The French writer and philosopher Voltaire was the one who popularized this word, adding it as a subtitle in the story “Cándido” , from 1759 .
As a philosophical doctrine , optimism is opposed to pessimism (from the Latin pessimum , which translates as “the worst” ), a position centered on the idea that we are in the worst of all possible universes.
Optimism and psychology
Optimism is the subject of study in psychology . In this way, it can be defined as a dispositional personality trait that oscillates between external events and personal interpretation of them. Thus, optimism is characterized by a tendency to trust that the future will be favorable, which is why it helps to face difficulties with good spirits and perseverance . An optimistic person manages to identify and value the positive in each circumstance and individual.
It is very common that when mentioning the word optimism its opposite quickly appears: pessimism. In this case, the difference is clear between both terms. Thus, while in any situation the optimistic person tries to find solutions, possibilities or advantages, those who are pessimistic by nature what they do is become discouraged, seeing everything as an accumulation of disadvantages and damages as well as inconveniences.
An example
A clear example could be given by a relationship that after many fights and arguments comes to an end. The member who opts for optimism will determine that this breakup is the best solution for a worn-out relationship in which both parties were dissatisfied and suffering, and it means that both begin a new stage in which they will be able to find those who complement them. .
The pessimistic lover will sink into the pit of despair and tragedy and think that he will never fall in love again, that he will never be able to be with anyone again, that he prefers to suffer rather than be alone or that he will not find anyone who loves him.
Benefits of optimism
Scholars affirm that, in general, optimists have a better mood , are more perseverant, and enjoy better health than those who are pessimists. For this reason, optimists tend to emerge stronger from traumatic and stressful situations.
It can be said that optimism helps to achieve success , since it involves a permanent attitude of starting over in the face of difficulties and analyzing situations to better understand their nature and take the positive from them.
Can being optimistic be learned? Psychology experts who address this topic state that to start having this attitude, you must follow a series of guidelines when approaching any situation. Among them would be analyzing it from its most positive points, betting on making solutions instead of criticism, not making decisions lightly or asking for help if needed.