Definition of

absolute hearing

The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term absolute ear is to discover the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape:

-Heard, on the one hand, derives from Latin, specifically from “auditus”, which can be translated as “heard” and which, in turn, comes from the verb “audire”, which is synonymous with “listen”.

-Absolute, on the other hand, also emanates from Latin. In his case, from the word “absolutus”, which is the result of the sum of two lexical components: the prefix “ab-”, which is used to indicate “separation” or “deprivation”, and the word “solutus”, which is equivalent to “loose.”

Absolute pitch is a hearing ability . This is the name given to the ability that allows us to recognize the pitch of a tone without resorting to a previous reference .

absolute hearingIt should be noted that the sense that enables the perception of sounds is called hearing . A person with absolute pitch is one who can identify any note without resorting to another reference note. Additionally, you have the possibility of producing a specific note by singing despite having no references.

In practice, those with absolute pitch hear a sound , generated by a musical instrument or any other element, and know what note it sounds in. They also detect the key of the songs.

Thanks to these abilities, individuals with absolute pitch have advantages when composing or performing musical compositions . Absolute pitch allows the artist to instantly detect if an instrument is out of tune, to name one possibility. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , Miles Davis , Ray Charles , Stevie Wonder , Michael Jackson , Freddie Mercury and Charly García are some of the musicians with this particularity.

In addition, it is necessary to know that there are three types of absolute ears: the active one, which allows a person to sing a note without having any reference note; the passive, which allows you to identify an individual note; and the very fine one. This means that the person can recognize a note even if it is slightly lower or higher.

Regarding the origin of absolute pitch, there are experts who attribute a genetic cause , linking it to the size of the auditory cortex. Other scholars, however, believe that absolute pitch can be forged if the human being is prepared from childhood, especially in the stage of language development .

While the debate continues, it can be noted that there is likely a combination of both factors: genetics and environment . Possibly absolute pitch is a consequence of an innate predisposition accompanied by adequate stimulation.

It is important to differentiate absolute hearing from relative hearing. This term refers not only to the skill that musicians have in being able to identify what the intervals between notes are, but also to the resource that many singers use to adequately interpret a melody using or continuing what is known as notation. musical.

In the same way, it must be emphasized that if absolute pitch is a quality or skill that only some people have, relative pitch is very common among people who are dedicated to the world of music.