- Song ▼
- Peace
- Balance
- Serenity
- Balance
- Agreement
- Symphony
- Affinity
- Comprehension
- Union
- I respect
- Friendship
- Coexistence
- Concord
- Tolerance
- Complement
- Coherence
- Consensus
- Equity
- Stability
- Conciliation
- Empathy
- Solidarity
- Integration
- Love
- Happiness
- Fullness
- Community
- Symmetry
- Careful
- Generosity
- Cordiality
- Fellowship
- Communication
- Willpower
- Commitment
- Acceptance
- Order
- Goodness
- Courage
- Inspiration
- Discipline
- Simplicity
- Gratitude
- Self-control
- Rhythm ▼
- Note ▼
- Choir ▼
- Stanza ▼
- Compass ▼
- Instrument ▼
- Sonata ▼
- soundtrack ▼
- Symphony ▼
- Concert ▼
- Verse ▼
- Interpretation
- Voice ▼
- Orchestra ▼
- Accompaniment ▼
- Tone ▼
- Modulation ▼
- Sol-fa ▼
- Harp ▼
- Guitar ▼
- Meditation
- Truce
- Diplomacy
- Reconciliation
- Amnesty
- Neutrality
- Armistice
- Pacifism
- Dialogue
- Unit
- Coexistence
- Justice
- Equality
- Freedom
- Human rights
- Alliance
- International relations
- Fraternity
- Satisfaction
- common good
- Relaxation
- Spiritual retreat
- Interdependence
- Conservation
- Cultural diversity
- human development
- Synergy
- Universal values
- Resilience
- Prosperity
- Balance ▼
- Serenity ▼
- Melody ▼
- Balance ▼
- Agreement ▼
- Affinity ▼
- Comprehension
- Union ▼
I respect
- Consideration
- Courtesy
- Dignity
- Compassion
- Modesty
- Label
- Prudence
- Diversity
- Appreciation
- Validation
- Recognition
- Self-esteem
- Autonomy
- Privacy
- Consent
- Civics
- Environment
- Ethics
- Moral
- Pluralism
- Freedom of expression
- Right to work
- Social responsibility
- Environmental responsibility
- Philanthropy
- Altruism
- Citizen participation
- Education
- Neatness
- Wisdom
- Empowerment
- Perseverance
- Resignation
- Decency
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Keen
- Dear
- Camaraderie
- Sincerity
- Happiness
- Fidelity
- Reciprocity
- Courage
- Devotion
- Sisterhood
- Society
- Passion
- Gratification
- Conversation
- Laughter
- Game
- Hug
- Teaching
- Learning
- Privacy
- Sacrifice
- Interest
- Co-responsibility
- Promotion
- Family
- Authenticity
- Friend
- Buddy
- Colleague
- Brother
- Partner
- Relative
- Neighbor
- Mentor
- Buddy
- Benefactor
- Guardian
- Assistant
- Faithful
- Gentile
- Fair
- Tenderness
- Optimism
- Celebration
- Bond
- Strength
- Memory
- Coexistence ▼
- Concord
- Tolerance
- Complement ▼
- Coherence ▼
- Consensus ▼
- Equity ▼
- Stability
- Conciliation ▼
- Empathy ▼
- Solidarity ▼
- Integration
- Fall in love
- Couple
- Marriage
- Engagement
- Kiss
- Caress
- Cupid
- Anniversary
- Jeweler's
- Came
- Wedding
- Divorce
- Separation
- Jealousy
- Betrayal
- Infidelity
- Rupture
- Pain
- Sorry
- Forgot
- Nostalgia
- Sadness
- Distress
- Melancholia
- Smile
- Worship
- Desire
- Seduction
- Flirtation
- Appointment
- Meeting
- Chemistry
- platonic love
- Self-love
- Idyll
- Charm
- Delusion
- Appreciation
- Fire
- Sensuality
- Sigh
- Loneliness
- Euphoria
- Behavior
- Attachment
- Rapture
- Enthusiasm
- Ecstasy
- Happiness ▼
- Fullness
- Community ▼
- Symmetry ▼
- Careful
- Generosity ▼
- Cordiality ▼
- Fellowship ▼
- Language
- Feedback
- Intrapersonal communication
- Organizational communication
- Semiotics
- Linguistics
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Morphology
- Psycholinguistics
- Rhetoric
- Argumentation
- Persuasion
- Handling
- Sarcasm
- Simile
- Context
- Communication channel
- Radio
- Cinema
- Journalism
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Public relations
- Graphic design
- Photograph
- Corporate image
- Propaganda
- Censorship
- Pedagogy
- Andragogy
- Video conference
- Telecommuting
- streaming
- Virtual reality
- Augmented reality
- Artificial intelligence
- Ethology
- Media
- Press
- Non-verbal communication
- Internal communication
- Social communication
- Verbal communication
- Willpower ▼
- Commitment ▼
- Acceptance ▼
- Ruler
- Organization
- Structure
- System
- Command
- Control
- Authority
- Rule
- Instruction
- Regulation
- Address
- Hierarchy
- Procedure
- Management
- Chronology
- Code
- Policy
- Pattern
- Consequence
- Restriction
- Sanction
- Delegation
- Cleaning
- Classification
- Priority
- Efficiency
- Task
- Principle
- Execution
- Routine
- Strategy
- Lineament
- Forecast
- Alignment
- Administration
- Prescription
- Range
- Job
- Progression
- Application
- Distribution
- Role
- Attitude
- Conduct
- Scheme
- Plan
- Program
- Itinerary
- Doctrine
- Quality control
- Order
- Bill
- Buys
- Sale
- Customer
- Supplier
- Product
- Pay
- Store
- stock
- Inventory
- Return
- Refund
- Discount
- Amount
- Price
- Voucher
- Receipt
- State
- Term
- Commission
- Tax
- Transport
- Claim
- Sure
- Notification
- Record
- Change
- Pass
- Ticket
- Cost
- Booking
- Acknowledgment of receipt
- Goodness ▼
- Courage ▼
- Inspiration ▼
- Discipline ▼
- Simplicity ▼
- Gratitude ▼
- Self-control ▼
- Pulse ▼
- Metrics ▼
- Cadence ▼
- Accent ▼
- Dance ▼
- Dance ▼
- Choreography ▼
- Motion ▼
- Ballet
- Sound ▼
- Vibration ▼
- Cyclic ▼
- Repetition
- Noise ▼
- Sequence
- Style ▼
- Improvisation
- Singing
- Vocalization ▼
- Voltage
- Burden
- Discharge
- Lithium
- Charger
- Renewable energy
- Endurance
- Conductivity
- Electricity
- Electronics
- Plug
- Adapter
- Solar energy
- Solar panel
- Generator
- Duration
- Portable
- Ability
- Performance
- Storage
- Saving
- Quality
- DC
- Maintenance
- Life cycle
- Technology
- AC
- Isolation
- Lead
- Utility
- Durability
- Fuse
- Components
- Piano ▼
- saxophone ▼
- Trumpet
- Band
- Jazz ▼
- Blues
- Rock ▼
- Potential energy
- mechanical energy
- thermal energy
- Electrical energy
- chemical energy
- Nuclear power
- wind energy
- Geothermal energy
- Non-renewable energy
- Turbine
- Transformer
- Bioenergy
- Biogas
- Biodiesel
- Ethanol
- Coal
- Oil
- Natural gas
- Fracking
- Global warming
- Climate change
- Joule
- Calorie
- Thermodynamics
- Gravitation
- Hydropower
- Tidal energy
- photovoltaic energy
- Force ▼
- Mechanics ▼
- Speed ▼
- Acceleration ▼
- Kinematics ▼
- Weight
- Density
- Moment
- Law of universal gravitation
- Newton's laws
- Moment of inertia
- Deformation
- Kilogram
- Gram
- Ton
- molecular mass
- Atomic mass
- molar mass
- Mol
- Atom
- Electron
- Proton
- Neutron
- Subatomic particle
- string theory
- theory of relativity
- Antimatter
- Nuclear fusion
- dark matter
- Telescope
- Experiment
- Ounce
- Scales
- Subject
- Molecule
- Particle
- Core
- Physics
- Static
- Goo
- Impulse ▼
- Employment
- Office
- Salary
- Unemployment
- Retirement
- Union
- Workplace harassment
- Minimum wage
- Vacant
- Career
- Work team
- Outsourcing
- Recruitment
- Roster
- Salaried
- Company
- Occupational health
- Profession
- Occupation
- Job
- Work
- Workstation
- Employment contract
- Employer
- Human resources
- Ascent
- Job satisfaction
- Productivity
- Autonomous
- Freelance
- Remuneration
- Vacation
- Labour
- Employability
- Organizational culture
- Power ▼
- Newton's laws ▼
- Inertia
- Goo ▼
- Elasticity
- Thermodynamics ▼
- Quantum mechanics ▼
- Pendulum ▼
- Hooke's Law ▼
- inclined plane ▼
- Friction ▼
- Friction
- Centripetal force ▼
- Acoustics ▼
- Vibe ▼
- Ring ▼
- Tone ▼
- Note ▼
- Staff ▼
- Password ▼
- Code ▼
- Key
- Padlock ▼
- Security ▼
- Access ▼
- User ▼
- Protection ▼
- Privacy ▼
- ID ▼
- Authentication ▼
- Authorization ▼
- Firewall ▼
- Virus ▼
- Protect ▼
- Guard ▼
- Algorithm ▼
- Encryption ▼
- Confidentiality ▼
- Sure ▼
- Validation ▼
- Verification ▼
- Cloning ▼
- Biometrics ▼
- Record ▼
- Remote access ▼
- Restriction
- Consultation
- Authority ▼
- Audit ▼
- Integrity ▼
- Uncertainty ▼
- Heist ▼
- Stroke ▼
- Vulnerability ▼
- Scale ▼
- Chord ▼
- Interval ▼
- Compass ▼
- Octave
- Exposure ▼
- Infrastructure
- Training
- Investment
- Adaptation
- Diversification
- Industrialization
- Economy
- Globalization
- Urbanization
- Sustainable development
- Production
- Consumption
- Competitiveness
- Ambition
- Specialization
- Programming
- Economic development
- Inflation
- Natural resources
- Irrigation
- Robotics
- Heritage
- Identity
- Recapitulation ▼
- Adage ▼
- Presto ▼
- Polyphony ▼
- Counterpoint ▼
- Concert ▼
- Opera ▼
- Orchestra ▼
- Camera ▼
- Quartet
- Sonata ▼
- Drain ▼
- Rhapsody
- Suite ▼
- Choir ▼
- Soprano ▼
- Tenor ▼
- Low ▼
- Baritone
- Director
- Viola
Double bass
- Bow ▼
- Wood ▼
- Technique ▼
- swing
- Scale
- Insulating
- Circuit
- electric charge
- Alternator
- Stack
- Transistor
- Diode
- Capacitor
- multimeter
- Oscilloscope
- Short circuit
- Electric motor
- Superconductor
- Rush
- Electromechanical
- electric driver
- Coaxial cable
- Voltmeter
- electrical circuit
- electrical resistance
- Electrostatics
- Electrochemistry
- Electrolytes
- electrical insulator
- Flute ▼
- Clarinet
- Oboe ▼
- Bassoon ▼
- Trumpet ▼
- Trombone ▼
- Tuba ▼
- saxophone ▼
- Tambourine ▼
- Box ▼
- Drum ▼
- Bongo drum
- Castanets ▼
- Bell ▼
- Geometry
- Angle
- Vertex
- Side
- right triangle
- Isosceles triangle
- scalene triangle
- Equilateral triangle
- Acute angle
- Obtuse angle
- Right angle
- Spot
- Line
- Bisector
- Orthocenter
- Barycenter
- Pythagorean theorem
- Area
- Perimeter
- Polygon
- Ring
- Pentagon
- Trigonometry
- Breast
- Cosine
- Tangent
- Segment
- Translation
- Homothecy
- Projection
- Proportion
- Reason
- Cosecant
- Cotangent
- Polarity
- Locus
- Parallelogram
- Rectangle
- Square
- Diamond
- Trapeze
- Tetrahedron
- Fractal
- Shape
- Figure
- Circumference
- Center
- Diagonal
- Median
- Likeness
- Clue ▼
- Cowbell ▼
- marimba
- Board ▼
- Voltage ▼
- Current ▼
- Burden ▼
- Discharge
- Lithium ▼
- Charger
- Renewable energy ▼
- Endurance ▼
- Conductivity ▼
- Electronics ▼
- Plug
- Adapter
- Solar energy ▼
- Solar panel
- Generator
- Portable ▼
- Ability ▼
- Performance ▼
- Storage ▼
- Element
- Compound
- Reaction
- Substance
- Acid
- PH
- Solvent
- Reagent
- Catalyst
- Limiting reagent
- Stoichiometry
- Ion
- Solubility
- Electrode
- Valencia
- Molarity
- Molality
- Monomer
- Plastic
- Combustion
- Organic
- Inorganic
- Biochemistry
- Amino acids
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Fermentation
- Pharmacology
- Chromatography
- Burette
- Pipette
- test tube
- Distillation
- Sublimation
- Boiling
- Gas
- Plasma
- Condensation
- Evaporation
- Metal link
- chemical formula
- organic chemistry
- inorganic chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
- Catalysis
- Isotope
- Radioactivity
- Radiation
- Chirality
- organic compound
- Ketone
- Ether
- Crystallization
- Solidification
- Saving ▼
- Quality ▼
- DC ▼
- Autonomy
- Efficiency
- Maintenance
- Life cycle ▼
- Technology ▼
- AC ▼
- Isolation ▼
- Environment ▼
- Lead
- Utility
- Durability ▼
- Innovation ▼
- Fuse
- Components ▼
- marimba ▼
- Xylophone ▼
- Harp ▼
- Guitar ▼
- Accordion
- Harmonica
- Mix ▼
- Microphone ▼
- Amplifier
- Equalizer
- Distortion
- Rock ▼
- Pop
- Jazz ▼
- Blues
- Reggae
- Electronics ▼
- Song ▼
- Piano ▼
- Violin ▼
- Kidney ▼
- Liver ▼
- Lung ▼
- Stomach ▼
- Brain ▼
- Pancreas
- Bladder
- Spleen
- Spinal cord ▼
- Ovary ▼
- Uterus ▼
- Fur ▼
- Esophagus ▼
- Language
- Lexicography
- Prayer
- Phrase
- Speech
- Statement
- Translation
- Alphabet
- figurative language
- Connotation
- Denotation
- Neologism
- Slang
- Philology
- Ethnolinguistics
- Swallowing
- Taste
- Saliva
- Anatomy
- Inflammation
- Speech therapy
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Creole
- Dictionary
- Etymology
- Region
- Foreignness
- Synonym
- Antonym
- Polysemy
- Paronym
- Ear
- Mouth ▼
- Pharynx ▼
- Skull ▼
- Diaphragm
- Tendon
- Ligament
- Cartilage ▼
- Dermis ▼
- Epidermis ▼
- Cello
- Drum ▼
- Singing
- Disk ▼
- Recording ▼
- Poem ▼
- Rhyme ▼
- Poetry ▼
- Lyric
- Sonnet ▼
- Prose ▼
- Writing ▼
- Author ▼
- Metaphor ▼
- Symbolism ▼
- Symbol ▼
- Image ▼
- Aesthetics ▼
- Feeling ▼
- Beauty ▼
- Imagination ▼
- Creativity ▼
- Experience
- Oratory ▼
- Culture ▼
- History ▼
- Vanguard ▼
- Renaissance
- Modernism ▼
- Romanticism
- Realism ▼
- Surrealism
- Classicism
- Neoclassicism ▼
- Experimentalism
- Intertextuality ▼
- Influence
- Stanza ▼
- Folklore
- Rap ▼
- soundtrack ▼
- Sol-fa ▼
- Metrics ▼
- Adage ▼
- Presto ▼
- Tuning
- Improvisation
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Originality is the condition of originality. The original term, for its part, has several uses: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as that which arises from the creativity of its author and that is innovative or different from what was already known. It can be said that originality is a valued quality […]
Definition of sheet music
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Definition of composer
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Definition of musical instrument
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Definition of fun
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Definition of soloist
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Definition of driver
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Definition of intellectual property
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Definition of vocal cords
The vocal cords are located in the larynx. They are two pairs of folds that, despite their popular name, do not have the appearance of rope. They are part of the speech apparatus of human beings and are specifically linked to the generation of sounds. Thanks to the vibration of the vocal cords from the air that […]
Definition of marimba
Marimba is the name given in Spanish to a very old musical instrument that, over time, gained visibility and importance in numerous countries. It is a wood-based element that is part of the family of percussion instruments. The person in charge of playing this class […]