Definition of



Parents seek obedience from their children, trying to get them to follow their orders in order to develop good behavior.

The term obedience (originating in the Latin oboedientĭa ), is related to the act of obeying (that is, respecting, abiding by and complying with the will of the authority or the one in charge ). To cite some examples of use: "Obedience is the key in the relationship between a dog and its owner," "As the highest authority of this institution, I demand obedience."

Obedience is usually specified through obligations or prohibitions that imply the performance or omission of certain actions . The concept contemplates the subordination of individual will to an authority figure, which can be either an individual , a group or a concept . There are those who, for example, obey God or an ideology .

Childhood obedience

There are different forms of obedience. The natural subordination that children express to their parents as a result of the family integration process is known as childlike obedience .

In this sense, we must highlight the fact that in the field of educating parents towards their children there is a very interesting resource called "Stories of Obedience" that helps parents learn to educate their children in values.


A dog's obedience can be promoted through a training process.

Solidarity vs. hierarchy

Solidarity obedience , for its part, is that which appears when someone abides by the decisions of a group despite not having full conviction regarding the actions to be carried out.

The so-called hierarchical or due obedience , on the other hand, is framed in criminal law and is a circumstance where someone is freed from criminal responsibility in relation to a crime perpetrated in compliance with an ordinance issued by an authority of a position superior to that of the who commits the violation. This means that the subordinate is released from all responsibility despite having been the material author of the act, transferring the criminal punishment to the person who gave the order in question.

As many of you know, the notion of due obedience usually appears in trials involving the armed forces, where subordination to the superior is very rigid and the subordinate's capacity for free action is almost nil. If the superior orders his subordinate to carry out an action that constitutes a crime and the subordinate complies, he may rely on due obedience.

In addition to everything highlighted, it is important that we know that there are various expressions that use the concept of obedience. Thus, for example, we would have what is called blind obedience, which is that which someone performs without studying at any time the motives, reasons or principles that direct the leader in question.

Obedience in religion

This is a term, obedience, which also becomes a fundamental pillar of the religious sphere and specifically of Christianity where it is established that obedience to God is undeniable and unquestionable. And it is considered that carrying it out is demonstrating good sense since it is established that "The Father" is infinitely wise and always knows what is best for us.

Likewise, it is determined that in order to carry out said obedience, it is essential to know the will of that supreme being. An action that can be achieved by studying what human nature is, through prayer, knowing what Christian doctrine is and also through the guidance of other people.

In the same way, within the religious sphere we have to explain that there is also what is called a formal precept of obedience. This is the mandate that, within the ecclesiastical orders or hierarchies themselves, the superiors in question use to ensure that their "subjects" carry out obedience in an even more close and firm manner.