Definition of


Acoustic insulation

Acoustic insulation helps mitigate noise.

The first step we are going to take is to know the etymological origin of the term mitigate . In this case, we have to emphasize that it derives from Latin, specifically from the verb “mitigare”, which can be translated as “calm” or “soften”. A Latin word that is the result of the sum of two lexical components:

-The adjective “mitis”, which is synonymous with “soft”, “calm” and “smooth”.

-The suffix “-igare”.

What is mitigation

The verb mitigate refers to minimizing or alleviating something . When a phenomenon or effect is mitigated, its intensity or rigor is reduced .

For example: “Natural phenomena cannot be avoided, but it is possible to mitigate their consequences,” “The government committed to working to mitigate pollution in the San Pablo stream,” “My grandmother gave me boldo tea to mitigate my upset stomach.”

Among the words that can function as synonyms for mitigate, in addition to those already mentioned, are palliate, soften, moderate, calm, lessen, diminish, reduce or temper, for example. On the contrary, among those that act as an antonym of said term are exacerbate, increase, increase or harden.


The knee pads help mitigate the impact of the knees against the surface.

Protection elements

Athletes, to cite one case, usually use various protective elements to mitigate any blows they may receive . Soccer players, in this framework, use shin guards ( espinilleras ), while goalkeepers (goalkeepers) use gloves to cushion shots.

Volleyball players, for their part, use knee pads to mitigate the impact of their knees against the ground in the event of a fall.

Mitigate how to reduce or alleviate

Mitigate can also be understood as palliate or mitigate . Take the situation of world hunger : thinking about eliminating this scourge is a utopia, at least in the short term. Multiple economic, political and social reasons make it impossible to satisfy the nutritional needs of each human being in a matter of months or a few years. However, it is feasible to mitigate hunger through state initiatives, initiatives by non-governmental organizations and donations from citizens. Although the problem is not resolved, the outlook can improve with contributions from different sectors.

In the field of health, the term mitigate that concerns us now is also used. Specifically, it is used to refer to the moment in which nursing or medical professionals take measures to considerably reduce the pain suffered by a patient. Thus, depending on the ailment you have, medications can be administered to alleviate that suffering.

However, it is considered that there are also ways to mitigate pain without resorting to pharmacology. Specifically, there are those who believe that this can be achieved by resorting to disciplines such as physiotherapy, acupuncture, meditation, psychotherapy and even massage or relaxation. Likewise, biofeedback, electrical stimulation or surgery are also alternatives in this sense.

A nightclub owner, on the other hand, can soundproof the building to provide acoustic insulation and mitigate noise . This way you avoid conflicts with neighbors.