Definition of



Mystical is associated with the spiritual or divine.

Before entering fully into the meaning of the mystical term, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to establish that it derives from Greek, specifically from the word “mystikós”, which can be translated as “mystical” and even as “relating to the mysteries”. A Greek word that has been formed by the union of the following components:

-The verb “myein”, which is synonymous with “initiate into the mysteries”.

-The suffix “-tes”, which is used to indicate “agent”.

-The suffix “-ikos”, which means “relative to”.

The term has various uses depending on the context .

The mystical and the divine

The mystical is that linked to the divine or the spiritual . In this sense, the concept is opposed to the earthly or the rational . For example: “While we were spending the night in the mountains I had a mystical experience,” “My grandfather claims that he experienced several mystical events throughout his life,” “Sit down and listen carefully, because I have something important to tell you: yesterday produced a mystical event in this house..."

Mystical beliefs, therefore, are related to the supernatural and are associated with faith. A person who, when diagnosed with an illness, begins to pray for a cure is appealing to the mystical. This individual believes that, by mentally communicating with God or going to church, an organic transformation will occur that will allow him to leave the health problem behind. For science, on the other hand, the possibility of healing is not given by the mystical, but by the work of a doctor with academic studies and experience in practice. Of course, the mystical and the scientific can coexist: as long as the sick person continues to go to the doctor, praying will not hurt them.

Taking this meaning into account, we can establish that among the words that can serve as a synonym for mystic are contemplative, religious, celestial, sacred, pious, ascetic and even, as we said, spiritual and divine.


The mystical is opposed to the rational or earthly.

A type of boat

The idea of ​​mystic, on the other hand, can be used to refer to a coastal ship with two or three masts that has lateen-type sails. These boats were used in the Mediterranean area.

When equipped with cannons, the mystics were used as warships or as coast guards. These ships were common on the coast of Catalonia .

Mystic as a name or title

In the same way, we cannot forget the Mystic Lake , which is the name given to an imaginary town in Patagonia where the television series “Bells in the Night” takes place.

Furthermore, Místico is how a Mexican professional Lucha Libre wrestler became publicly known. Under that identity is actually Luis Ignacio Uribe (1982).

In the field of literature we can see that on numerous occasions the word in question has been used by different authors to give titles to their works. A good example of this is the book “El Místico – Juan de la Cruz” , which is a historical novel written by Pedro Miguel Lamet and published in 2009.