Definition of


ReadyReady is an adjective that can be used to describe someone who is prepared to carry out a certain action . The term refers to having what is necessary to carry out an errand or carry out something.

For example: “I just got the yellow fever vaccine: I'm ready to travel to Brazil” , “Wait me a few minutes since I'm not ready to go out yet, I haven't dressed yet” , “The footballer was discharged and "He is ready to return to the playing field, although the decision depends on the coach."

Suppose that, on a winter night, a person must go out to buy food for dinner. As the outside temperature is -5 °C , it is essential that this subject wrap up warm before leaving his home. That is why the individual will only be ready to go in search of dinner when he has protected himself with a hat, scarf, gloves and a jacket.

A meal is ready if it can already be consumed . A traditional pizza , to mention one case, is ready when its dough has been baked (that is, it is not raw) and the cheese that covers it has melted due to the action of heat.

On the other hand, a salad prepared only with raw natural ingredients is ready when they have been washed, cut, mixed and seasoned to the diners' taste. Throughout the preparation of both types of food we can also recognize different stages in which we can use this adjective; For example: when the dough rises, it is ready to be stretched; When we finish draining the vegetables, after washing them, they are ready to be cut or put in the salad bowl.

The synonyms that we can use to replace the term "ready" with the meaning that we have given it so far are the following: prepared, willing, ready, prepared, active.

The idea of ​​smart is also used to name someone who is intelligent, sagacious or insightful . Saying that someone is smart means praising them.

ReadyA child who solves riddles and crossword puzzles with great speed can be described as smart, as can a man who, throughout his life, demonstrates his ability to adapt to different situations and thus progress at a professional level.

In this context, telling someone “wow, you're so smart” can be very pleasant to their ears, as it shows them that you have captivated your observer with your intelligence . It is important to clarify that this term is not used in all Spanish-speaking countries with the same meaning, unlike the previous meaning (to be prepared for a situation or to carry out an action), which is more common in Spain and Latin America.

As an adjective to describe a person's mental speed, therefore, it has a positive connotation and works as a synonym for sharp, awake, alive, clever, astute and clear-headed. Unlike words such as "intelligent," "astute," or " insightful ," however, their use does not take place in formal or technical conversation, but in everyday speech, between people who have a certain level of mutual trust and confidence. a family or friendship relationship.

On the other hand, we have a use that gives a negative connotation to the term, although with the same meaning just stated. When someone tries to deceive another person, for example, one of the many expressions they may receive as a reproach is the following: "So you're smart in life, huh." In this case, the victim of the deception complains that his interlocutor has tried to humiliate him by making him believe a lie , leaving him as someone whose mental capacity is not high enough to detect it.