Definition of



Interiority is what is intimate and particular about a person.

Interiority is the quality or condition of interiority . The term is usually used to refer to that which is particular, intimate and/or secret of an individual or an organization .

It is understood that interiority is the private sphere of a person. Each subject finds himself in that essential environment where he reflects, remembers and projects.

The study and education of interiority

Studying interiority helps develop individual consciousness and relational consciousness . The human being , by knowing and understanding his interior, can find and use resources and thus exploit his potential.

By educating interiority, therefore, one can become aware of various issues in multiple dimensions. It is a path to achieve plenitude .

The meaning of life

In their interiority, each one questions existence and finds answers to the meaning of life. There is an intelligence associated with the configuration of this symbolic space that enables individual and social development.

The analysis of interiority can be carried out from religion , psychology and other areas. Although interiority is usually linked to religion, it has a relationship with spirituality in general, and not with a specific belief or dogma.


The study of interiority helps to exploit individual potential.

Interiority as experience or experience

Another way of understanding interiority is as an experience or a living . It has no time or location, but is built, felt and lived in a dynamic and continuous way. Interiority, in short, is in the soul of the subject and not outside, beyond the influence that external factors exert on it.

At school, interiority is worked on both directly and indirectly, since the child's exposure to a social group is enough to set in motion a series of mechanisms that lead him to reflect and learn more about himself. In some educational centers, teachers dedicate certain times a week specifically to certain activities that promote the development of interiority.

Relationship with the body and the outside world

The body itself and its relationship with the world around us are already two starting points that can lead to a very deep study of interiority. Without going into religious concepts, we usually say that the body is our temple, our sacred place, where no one should enter to harm us. We fight for the freedom to use it as we wish, but we are not aware that even on that path we allow society to impose limits on us, and thus we end up walking in one way or another depending on our sex and our age, for example.

A good start to working on interiority is to get rid of these impositions to connect with one's own body and, in turn, use it to connect with the rest of living beings. This work is very easy to achieve with a group of children, because they are not yet as susceptible to social mandates. Art is usually used as an incentive: imagining that we paint a room with our body or inventing a dance and letting ourselves be carried beyond the limits of technique or rhythm, are two widely used examples.

To relate to the outside world we use our senses: we perceive different stimuli and evaluate them with the concepts that we learn from the many disciplines that can enrich us, from mathematics to morality. We see a mountain and calculate its height; we see a tiger and admire its fur; We witness an argument and try to understand who is right. But in this last example one of the most complex points of interiority is evident: since it is subjective, all the results of this process are also subjective, which is why we must open our mind to enhance its effectiveness.