Definition of



Intention is associated with the desire that leads to the performance of an action.

Intention is a term originating from the Latin intentĭo that allows us to name the determination of the will towards an end. The intentional is conscious (it is carried out in pursuit of an objective).

For example: “Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you,” “My intention was to calm down a little and not create a new confrontation,” “I'm upset because I still haven't been able to discover what Romina's intention is.”

Intention and desire

Intention is usually linked to the desire that motivates an action and not to its result or consequence. If a soccer player hits an opponent while trying to kick the ball, it will be said that it was an unintentional hit, since the player in question intended to push the ball and not hurt his colleague.

This also makes it possible to distinguish between good intention and bad intention . There are acts that are carried out with good intention (with a noble objective) even if their consequences are harmful, while other actions are born with bad intention when their objective is to hurt or harm.

An example of a well-intentioned comment that ends up hurting others occurs when one person asks another about a certain family member, and the interlocutor becomes sad and answers that he or she died. The subject removed a painful memory without wanting to do so, since he was really interested in knowing how the deceased person was doing and, obviously, he did not know about death.


Voting intention is known as the will expressed by an individual to vote for a certain candidate in future elections.

The concept linked to voting

In the same way, we cannot ignore a term that makes use of the word in question and that is increasingly used at a general level. This is what is known as voting intention , which is the will presented by the people who are asked to vote for one party or another in the next elections.

Thus, for example, it is common that, always some time before there are elections, a series of surveys are carried out among citizens to determine what vote estimate is estimated to exist. In this way, it will be possible to know or, at least, predict which candidate will be the winner in those.

In the case of Spain, these actions are carried out by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), which has been undertaking them periodically to find out what the country's citizens think and what they want to do in the upcoming elections.

First or second intention

It is also important to highlight that, colloquially, we use the expression first intention . What they are trying to explain with it is that someone has acted impulsively, without stopping to think about what they were going to do or say.

On the other hand, there is the second intention . When you use that expression, what you want to convey is that a specific person is doing something not frankly, but with the intention of achieving something. That is, he hides his true intentions because he hopes to obtain some type of result that benefits him.

Philosophy , finally, defines intentionality as the relationship between consciousness and the world. This means that intentionality is linked to the activity of the mind with reference to an object.