Definition of


IntemperanceThe Latin word intemperantia came to Spanish as intemperance . This is what the absence of moderation or measure is called.

Intemperance appears when someone lacks temperance and gives free rein to their passions. Generally the term is associated with the lack of brakes or inhibitions against negative or violent emotions .

For example: “The soccer player showed his intemperance several times by fighting with rivals and even teammates,” “Upon discovering the betrayal, the subject acted intemperately and committed an aberrant crime,” “Society should lower the level of intemperance to minimize the consequences.” conflict situations and confrontations .

Intemperance is considered negative in all people. However, in certain individuals, it is an even dangerous trait due to the responsibility or power they have. The president of a country , to cite one case, cannot be intemperate since, if he makes decisions without thinking, it can generate harmful effects for millions of citizens.

In a similar sense, if a police officer gives in to intemperance, it can lead to deaths. It is always important to reflect and calm down, especially in certain areas or contexts.

It is common, on the other hand, for intemperance to appear on social networks . Many subjects, protected by virtuality and anonymity, express themselves furiously and rudely through the Internet , without measuring the consequences of their statements. This means that attacks of all kinds can be read in Twitter messages, Facebook posts and comments on notes published by digital media.

IntemperanceSince it is not a term very present in everyday speech, below we will review some of its most common synonyms in order to appreciate the nuances of its meaning in greater depth. Bearing in mind that it is the absence of continence and sobriety, or an immoderate way of behaving, let's see with what words we can replace the noun intemperance : intransigence, intolerance, inconsideration, intemperance, debauchery, incontinence, excess , abuse and debauchery .

Several of these synonyms tell us about a lack of control when acting, something that can also lead to a life in which many precautions are not taken, both to the detriment of others and oneself. When terms such as abuse or excess are mentioned, the interpretation is quite broad, since it includes the consumption of substances dangerous to health, with the inevitable loss of the sense of good and evil.

Debauchery , on the other hand, is more personal and we could well say that with some exceptions, it does not usually affect third parties but is characterized by a lifestyle with few limitations against temptations. In any case, intemperance is not well regarded because society does not like individuals who deviate from the norm : in principle it considers them "a problem to be solved", regardless of the reason that makes them different. If over time he discovers that he is a genius, whether in art or science, then he treats him relatively tolerant of his eccentricity in order to benefit from his work.

But even for these people, tolerance is not infinite, because the force of social impositions is greater than any other. Animals resolve their conflicts individually or within their close groups, but they do not make them public, national or global in scope. If an animal has a problem with another, it confronts it, but does not report it or criticize it behind its back. Human beings fear, hide and act unnaturally when they encounter new stimuli. He criticizes intemperance because he learns that it is something negative, but not because he really stops to analyze if it really bothers him.