Definition of


The unobjectionable is that which cannot be objected . The verb object, in turn, refers to challenging, refuting or contradicting an opinion, a decision or a mandate .

For example: «The victory of the official candidate in the legislative elections was unobjectionable» , «Real Madrid is an unobjectionable champion since it showed a level much higher than that of all its rivals» , «That the economic situation has worsened in recent months is unobjectionable .

When something is unobjectionable, in short, it cannot be denied or refuted with reliable and verifiable reasons or arguments . If a film had a production cost of 2 million dollars and grossed 15 million thanks to ticket sales, it can be said that it was an unobjectionable success from a commercial point of view. The figures demonstrate the profitability of the film, so no one can argue that it failed in that sense.

Take the case of basketball , to mention a sport. If a team beats another by a difference of one point, some may consider that it was an unfair victory, since the difference was minimal and could have been formed by chance reasons, a particular error or a specific play. On the other hand, if a team wins by 40 points, the victory is unobjectionable : nothing calls into question the superiority of the winner.

In certain contexts, what is described as unobjectionable is actually subjective . A music critic can affirm that it is unobjectionable that a rock band's new album is the best of its entire production; For another specialist, however, the disk in question may be far from being the most valuable of the group. Both assertions are subjective and, therefore, objectionable.

UnobjectionableAs we can see, it is not always easy to know if we are faced with an unobjectionable statement , since the observer's point of view has a considerable influence. Another aspect that can affect the perception and qualification of a fact is the degree of technical knowledge; In the example of basketball, to determine whether the victory was resounding or doubtful, it is necessary to be immersed in the rules of this sport, as well as in other issues that affect the competitive field.

On the other hand, this adjective can also be used to emphasize a clearly subjective opinion , as happens when we talk about our idols. For example, if we loved our favorite singer's latest album, we can tell our friends that "its quality is unobjectionable", even if it is nothing more than our opinion. In a case like this, the unobjectionable thing is not the quality of the disc but our point of view, since there is probably no way to alter it.

Since the adjective unobjectionable is not so common in everyday speech, it is advisable to take a look at its various synonyms to understand the nuances of its meaning more thoroughly. Below we list some of the most notable: evident, clear , obvious, definitive, conclusive, unquestionable and notorious . On the other hand we have the following antonyms: doubtful, confusing, questionable and imprecise .

If we review the previous examples and try to replace the term unobjectionable with some of its synonyms, we will see that the results are perfectly acceptable. With respect to the candidate of the ruling party, it is possible to say that he obtained a clear or evident victory in the elections (we could also describe it as resounding ). The film that raised several times the amount of money that the producers had invested in its creation has had unquestionable success , it is obvious that it has been a good bet. Finally there is the sentence about a noticeable deterioration in the economic situation.