Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term uncertainty that concerns us now, we have to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to point out that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language:

-The prefix “in-”, which is synonymous with “no” or “without”.

-The word “certitudo, certitudinis”, which is the result of the union of two elements: the term “certus”, which can be translated as “certain”, and the suffix “-tudo”, which is used to indicate “quality”.

The absence of certainty is called uncertainty . Certainty , in turn, is associated with evidence and certainty.

UncertaintyThis means that when someone is going through a moment of uncertainty, they lack reliable knowledge or definitions about something. For example: “There is uncertainty in the government since, according to several pollsters, the vote will be very close” , “The increase in the dollar generates uncertainty among consumers” , “Uncertainty in the coaching staff: the team captain retired from training with discomfort in his left knee.”

Among the synonyms of uncertainty we can highlight words such as hesitation, doubt, indecision, problem, irresolution or perplexity, for example. On the contrary, its antonyms include certainty, decision, firmness or resolution.

Uncertainty is linked to nervousness or restlessness . Take the case of a young man who goes to a job interview. The boy meets with the owner of the company for an hour: at the end of the meeting, the businessman tells him that the next day he will contact him again to inform him if the position is his or if, on the contrary, he chose another applicant. . The young man, in this way, lives hours of uncertainty because he does not know if he will get a job or not . He has no way of knowing, at the moment, the result of the selection process.

It is common for uncertainty to appear in multiple issues of daily life, in all areas. This is because the future cannot be predicted accurately. However, through certain analyses, forecasts can often be made that help reduce uncertainty.

Within the scope of quantum mechanics, we have to establish the use of the term at hand. Specifically, in this field we talk about the uncertainty principle, also known as the Heisenberg indeterminacy relation.

What this aforementioned principle indicates is the impossibility of certain pairs of physical quantities, which are complementary and even observable, being known with what is an arbitrary precision.

It owes its name to the physicist who stated it in 1927. We are referring to the German Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901 – 1976) who was recognized in 1932 with the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics for this contribution he made to the field of quantum theory.

In economics , uncertainty is considered something negative. Investors expect predictability in the markets as they can minimize risks and increase the potential for profits. When there is economic uncertainty in a country, it is common for them to decide not to invest.