Definition of


ImposingThe adjective imposing is used to describe one or that thing that imposes itself : that is, that predominates or that commands respect. The imposing, in this framework, has exceptional characteristics .

For example: "The new stadium of the German team is impressive: it has capacity for 75,000 spectators" , "At her wedding, the actress wore an impressive dress by an Italian designer" , "The show was impressive thanks to the surprising lighting and the great sound quality .

Imposing is often associated with greatness. A 90-story skyscraper is imposing due to its height , which allows it to be detected from several kilometers away. A plane with the capacity to carry more than 500 passengers can also be described as imposing due to its size.

Large buildings and vehicles have a very particular appeal, probably because they remind us that we are very small compared to the planet and that generates a mixture of sensations that are difficult to explain. Human beings are characterized by constantly challenging nature in an attempt to prevail over it; However, our arrogance can dissipate when we encounter certain situations that remind us of our limitations.

Even a person can receive this qualification. Former basketball player Shaquille O'Neal used to be mentioned as an imposing pivot since he is 2.16 meters tall and his weight was around 150 kilograms during his peak period. That physical size helped him impose his dominance near the basket.

Another use of imposing is related to something that has an extraordinary quality and that, due to its qualities , can excite or move . The staging of a play, to name one example, can be considered impressive depending on the development of the show, the costumes, the lighting, the special effects, etc.

The New Year 's Eve party in Australia and the carnival celebration in Rio de Janeiro are two impressive events due to the impact they have on spectators. The fireworks in the Australian case and the music, dances and costumes in Brazil always manage to arouse admiration.

ImposingIn the case of living beings, there are certain animals that are imposing for humans for different reasons. Take the case of the wolf, for example, whose gaze is so penetrating that it can paralyze us and make us feel that we can see the entire Universe in its eyes, whose teeth and claws have the power to kill and tear apart its prey: the mere image of a individual of this species is truly imposing.

The animals that seem impressive to us are characterized by exhibiting a combination of beauty and power: in addition to the wolf , we can include in this group the lion, the eagle and the crocodile, among others. Extremely agile and strong human beings are very few and generally must train for years to achieve such a physical state, while the rest of the species retain a strong bond with nature and that gives them a series of birth characteristics that seem unattainable.

Below we will review some of the synonyms that dictionaries offer us for the term imposing . Taking into account the meanings mentioned in the previous paragraphs, we have the following list: formidable, impressive, stupendous, exceptional , enormous, grandiose, fearsome, monumental, unique and solemn . If we look closely at the nuances of these words, we will notice that there always seems to be a symbolic wall between the observer and what he describes as imposing .

This can be especially noted with synonyms such as impressive , fearsome and monumental . In general, we do not coexist with what is impressive, but rather we admire it from a certain distance , as if it were a divine image that inspires us.