Definition of



Impartiality is essential in soccer judges, for example.

The notion of impartiality can be understood as a criterion of justice that is based on decisions made objectively . This means that the person in charge of judging or settling an issue must maintain impartiality and not be influenced by prejudices or interests that lead them to try to benefit one of the parties.

For example: "The impartiality of the judge has been questioned by the accused" , "They gave me the responsibility of choosing the best player in the tournament since they believe that my decision will be based on impartiality" , "In a situation like this, there is no impartiality." Whatever it is: it is essential to be on one side or the other .

Concept of impartiality

To understand the concept of impartiality, we can take any dispute and divide it into three blocks or issues. On the one hand, we will have the interests and reasons of one of the parties. On the other hand, the interests and reasons of the other party. In the middle, impartiality is located: based on objective criteria and, where possible, factual data , it is understood that impartiality is the path to a fair decision.

Suppose two children are playing in the chemistry laboratory at their school and suddenly one of them knocks over a test tube by accident. The noise alerts one of the teachers, who immediately goes to the scene and asks the two students who it was; In the absence of a response, he is forced to question a third party who he believes witnessed the incident. The latter, despite not having seen anything, decisively accuses one of the two, since he has a deep friendship with the other, making an unfair decision of a nature contrary to impartiality.


Impartiality is associated with justice; partiality, injustice.

Importance in journalism

Impartiality is synonymous with justice, balance and the absence of prejudice. It is not easy for a journalist to provide objective coverage of the news, without being influenced at all by his own beliefs and convictions, since he must analyze each event from an outsider's point of view. It is part of its task to accurately reflect each opinion on the same topic, so that the public has tools to appreciate the version that is closest to the truth.

When faced with controversial news, a journalist's job becomes even more difficult than usual: demonstrations against the legality of abortion, cases of child abuse, problems related to immigration, stories of racism and attacks due to discrimination are some of them. of the examples in which personal opinion should be especially left out of a journalistic report.

Some of the points that a journalist should take into account when dealing with a topic of this type are the following:

* show a wide range of opinions on the matter;

* study opposing points of view, and ensure that everyone receives a similar space to the rest, to avoid favoritism;

* prevent any of the currents of thought found from being left out of the report.

Impartiality when reporting

Although at first glance journalistic work is accepted as a source of information , which not everyone accepts as unquestionable, we are more vulnerable to the press than we think: what at first is just a piece of information heard in passing in a television show can quickly become its own idea. No one is born with values ​​and opinions, but rather they learn to make judgments through experience and what elders do.

The impartiality of a journalist is important not only to correctly transmit the news, but also to not collaborate with the intoxication of the minds of the little ones with closed and unfair ideas, to teach society to think for itself, to complement the work research with a certain degree of reasoning and assessment, rather than simply consuming information indiscriminately.