Definition of



Acknowledging mistakes helps maintain humility.

Humility is the virtue that consists of knowing one's own limitations and weaknesses and acting in accordance with such knowledge. The term comes from the Latin word humilitas .

It could be said that humility is the absence of pride . It is a characteristic of modest people, who do not feel more important or better than others, regardless of how far they have come in life.

For example: “The champion of the last Grand Slam of the season showed his humility by rallying for more than two hours with the children who had come to the stadium,” “The Hollywood star showed his humility by greeting each one of them.” those present” , “Humility is not a characteristic of this singer, who always criticizes his peers.”

Humility vs. the ostentation

It is interesting to note that, depending on how you understand a person's attitude , there is a very fine line between humility and ostentation . Concepts of this nature require the observation of other people's behavior to exist, and this results in the same fact being perceived in different ways . Each one carries a story, with a series of positive and negative experiences that have collaborated in the construction of a unique and unrepeatable personality. When looking at others, we cannot help but judge them and, for this, we only have our memory.

People who live their vocation fully, for example, are usually characterized by staying away from fashion trends, taking refuge in their own world, studying or preparing for long hours and enjoying their lives in an authentic way. If someone dedicates themselves to a discipline with all their energies, it is expected that they will meet a series of personal goals and that they will intend to share the happiness that this brings them with their loved ones, given that we are a social species.


Humility should not be confused with condescension.

The social view

Given this need to show one's own achievements , judgment arises from those around them , and not everyone is prepared to face the merits of others. If we look at media phenomena, a mediocre artist has a much better chance of being widely accepted than a talented one, and even more so if he pretends to feel close to his audience. A teenager who abandons her studies to raise her children, whom she conceived as a product of her rebellion and irresponsibility, does not receive as much hate as a scientist who makes a revolutionary discovery.

This shows us that common people distort the concept of humility, turning it into a "service" that consists of not sharing with others those achievements that may hurt their pride for not having achieved something similar. Returning to the two previous examples, surely no one would be angry if a television program gave a car to the young mother to help her in her daily life; but the Nobel Prize awarded to a woman who dedicated her entire life to research can generate a sea of ​​envy and unfounded attacks.


It is common for those who act with humility to also do so with compassion and gratitude.

Humility in religion and as a synonym for poverty

Religions usually associate humility with the recognition of divine superiority; All human beings are equal in the eyes of God and must act accordingly. For Buddhism , humility is the awareness of the path that must be followed to free oneself from suffering.

The word humility can also be used as a synonym for poverty , for lack of resources. This can be seen in the phrases "a humble person" or "a humble neighborhood." It is worth mentioning that this use usually has a positive connotation.

The concept in philosophy

From philosophy , Immanuel Kant affirms that humility is the central virtue of life since it provides an appropriate perspective on morality .

For Friedrich Nietzsche , however, humility is a false virtue that hides the disappointments that a person hides inside.

Examples of humility

Take the case of a singer who receives signs of admiration and support at every step . His fans adore him and the press frequently praises him.

Despite his privileged position, this figure always acts with kindness and courtesy, expressing his gratitude . This is how he behaves authentically , showing off his friendliness.

His modesty is genuine and he seeks to establish a respectful and sincere connection with the public. When it comes to giving interviews, he does so without pretensions. Other stars, on the other hand, lack humility and empathy , behaving disinterestedly in front of their fans.

Let's now think about a very wealthy businessman . Although his wealth places him at the top of the social pyramid, he daily demonstrates his simplicity and austerity . He prefers not to show off and conducts himself with respect in all areas of life.

Understanding that his inner peace cannot be dissociated from the well-being of his community, this millionaire carries out works of charity and, without selfishness, shares what he has generously.