Definition of



A hypocrite hides what he truly thinks or feels.

Hypocrite is one who acts with hypocrisy . That is, he feigns feelings or qualities that, in reality, contradict what he truly feels or thinks.

The concept of hypocrisy comes from a Greek word that refers to the function of playing a role, of acting. In Ancient Greece, the hypocrite was a theatrical actor , without any type of negative connotation.

Later, in this same culture, the term was used to refer to those who "acted" in everyday life, that is, they pretended to be people they were not ; meaning that is still given to it. It is worth mentioning that in the Bible the concept is used repeatedly and refers to someone who moves away from what God desires; that is, he is unfaithful.

Hypocrites and human relationships

Today and living in a world where life is governed by a set of rules and actions that all individuals must perform to move in the world in an acceptable way; rules that include politically correct behavior that delimits what exists between what is allowed and what is prohibited. Those who violate these rules and claim not to do so are hypocrites.

Hypocrisy contemplates two actions that must be combined, simulation and dissimulation . The first consists of showing what you want to be seen ; while the second consists of hiding what is not desired to be known by the environment.


The hypocrite performs a simulation or performance.

The values

It is important to mention that a person who acts with hypocrisy is one who, approving a series of rules and values ​​and accusing those who do not comply with them, commits acts against said line of thought and hides it . In that sense, a person who is in a relationship and who considers that both parties have the right to have a lover, and she has one, is not a hypocrite; It would be if he considered it wrong to have a lover and criticized those who had one, but still committed adultery.

With all this we can express that hypocrisy consists of advocating certain values ​​and applying others in everyday life. For example: a father who tries to educate his children about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and then comes home drunk is a hypocrite.

Another example of hypocrisy is found in the public personality who, in front of the camera, talks about the importance of solidarity and social help but, in his private life, never helps anyone despite having the necessary financial means to do so.

Hypocritical behavior according to psychology

Psychology explains that hypocritical behavior consists of explaining one's own action by the environment and attributing the actions of others to innate issues . This involves a judgment on the other and a justification for one's own actions.

There are those who maintain that hypocrisy is necessary for the normal functioning of society ; In this way, individuals should feign feelings contrary to those they really experience to avoid conflicts. A way of understanding relationships that is certainly false and superficial, despite being the most accepted. It is believed that if the subjects told the truth openly, they could cause uncomfortable situations that they do not want.

This behavior is not typical of an ideal world, since in a society where individuals experienced security and freedom they would have the space to express their ideas and emotions without any type of fear. After all, someone expressing that they do not like something about another person does not have to be negative, in any case it is their way of perceiving it, as valid as anyone else's but without any type of authority to harm the individual. in question.