Definition of



Gratitude is associated with gratitude.

In order to establish the etymological origin of the term gratitude that we are now going to analyze in depth, we have to go to Latin. There we will discover that it comes from the word gratitudeo , which is the result of the sum of two clearly defined parts: on the one hand, the word gratus , which is synonymous with "pleasant and grateful", and on the other, the suffix - tudo which is equivalent to "quality".

Gratitude is the feeling that a person experiences when estimating a favor or benefit that someone has granted them . Feeling gratitude, the subject wants to reciprocate the aforementioned favor in some way.

Gratitude concept

The feeling of gratitude is linked to gratitude , which is the action and effect of being grateful. This verb, precisely, means to feel gratitude. Therefore, the individual who feels gratitude wants to be grateful for the benefit received.

This gratitude can be expressed in various ways, from a simple verbal statement ( "Thank you very much for helping me" ) or a written note ( "I am writing to thank you for the loan" ), to a material gift ( "I would like to give you this book as a thank you to everything you have done for my father .

Gratitude to God

Gratitude or gratitude is a feeling that believers usually experience towards God . The act of praying or praying can involve a request or a plea, but, on many occasions, it becomes a way of expressing gratitude. There are those who thank God for their health , for having a job or for having overcome a problem, for example.

Gratitude, from the point of faith, becomes a fundamental quality in the various existing religions. Thus, where it is most present is in Christianity, Judaism and also in Islam. Specifically, in this last religion where the aforementioned is constantly spoken of is in the Koran.

Thanksgiving Day

The gratitude of the English Protestant colonizers to the Native Americans was reflected in the celebration of Thanksgiving.

Gratitude in Islam

Precisely in the Muslim holy book it is clearly established that people must be and be grateful to God at all times. And, in this way, they will achieve, among other things, that the Supreme Being compensates them for it with great pleasures.

Among the main signs of gratitude that every follower of the Islamic religion can have with their God is, for example, carrying out five prayers a day with the aim of thanking Him for the goodness that He has and that He manifests. All this without forgetting that during the famous period of the month of Ramadan (ninth month of the Muslim calendar) the faithful of this faith carry out daily fasts with the clear objective of showing their gratitude to God and being in the best disposition to do so.

Thanksgiving Day

In North America, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated, a holiday dedicated to expressing gratitude to God. The origin of this celebration dates back to the first English Protestant colonizers who arrived in North America, who decided to thank the help that the native settlers gave them during the first winters on the continent and extend it as a thank you to God.

Gratitude, in short, can be expressed through words, objects or rituals. It is a feeling of recognition towards one's neighbor or towards divinity.