Definition of



The future is what has not yet happened or is happening at the moment, which will come later.

From the Latin futūrus , the future is that which is to come (that is why future is synonymous with future). In a hypothetical timeline , the past is behind the present (it is what has already happened), while the future appears ahead (it has not happened yet).

The future, therefore, is a conjecture that can be calculated, speculated, theorized or anticipated according to the data available at a specific moment. For example: meteorological conditions (presence of clouds, wind, humidity conditions) allow us to predict that, in the next few hours, precipitation will occur. That is, it can be anticipated that it will rain in the near future. However, the future can never be accurately predicted.

The desire to anticipate the future

Man has always been interested in knowing the future. Astrology is a discipline that is dedicated to the study of the stars to make predictions. Science , on the other hand, uses probabilistic methods to estimate what will happen in the future.

Some religions were based on the figure of prophets who claimed to be able to see the future. Certain philosophical currents, for their part, consider that the future (and the past) do not exist since they are unreal. This type of philosophies consider that the only thing that exists is the present.


Human beings have always tried to anticipate, through various methods, what will happen in the future.

A film trilogy

Such is the passion and curiosity that man feels for the future that he has shown them in various artistic fields such as, for example, cinema. Thus, in the seventh art we have to highlight a saga from the 80s and 90s that has become a "classic." We are in the “Back to the Future” trilogy (or “Back to the Future” ).

Robert Zemeckis is the director of this set of films, produced by Steven Spielberg , which takes as its starting point the development of a time machine by an eccentric scientist named Doc . Specifically, he uses a DeLorean DMC-12 car to create that time machine that will allow both him and his young friend Marty McFly to travel through it.

Christopher Lloyd y Michael J. Fox son los dos actores protagonistas que dan vida al científico y al adolescente respectivamente. Así, a través de sus personajes se descubre cómo sería viajar al pasado y conocer las vidas de nuestros seres queridos en aquel momento o cómo sería llegar al futuro y ver lo que el destino nos tenía deparado.

Three films specifically give shape to this cinematographic saga that has become a myth in the history of cinema thanks, among other things, to the magnificent collections they have achieved in their respective premieres. And all this without also forgetting the large number of awards it has received or even the presence it already has in our cultural heritage.

Future in grammar and economics

In grammar , the future is the tense that allows us to name an action that will occur at a time after the statement: "Tomorrow I will travel to the coast" ( "I will travel" is a verb conjugated in the future).

Finally, for economics , a future is a value whose delivery is agreed upon after a certain period, although with a price set in advance.