Definition of


The concept of fundamentalism comes from the English fundamentalism . The notion, in its broadest sense, refers to fanaticism for a practice or doctrine , with an uncompromising attitude towards those who do not share the belief or conviction.

Among the synonyms of fundamentalism we can highlight words such as extremism, fundamentalism and even fanaticism.

FundamentalismFundamentalism is generally associated with a religious movement based on the literal interpretation of a foundational or sacred text . Fundamentalists, furthermore, seek to apply the precepts and norms that emanate from said text strictly, without considering the context or the time. Those who do not obey these principles are punished.

The most common use of the term, at least in Western societies, is linked to the Islamic current that seeks to strictly apply Koranic law in all areas of social life . In its most radicalized aspect, fundamentalism is jihadist : it promotes jihad , which is the holy war of Muslims to spread their religion throughout the world.

Islamic fundamentalism imposes Islamic law on all people: this law , known as sharia , is a code of conduct and worship that indicates what is right and what is wrong (or, put another way, determines what is permitted and what is prohibited). forbidden). Other characteristics of fundamentalism is that it erases the division between the civil sphere and the religious sphere, since everything becomes governed by Islamic law and the interpretation made of the Koran .

It is also necessary to know other interesting information about the aforementioned Islamic fundamentalism:

-It also determines not only the role of women in society but also how they should dress, using what is known as burkas that completely hide their body and face.

-A new current has emerged within it that responds to the name of neo-fundamentalism. It is characterized by being very radical, its objective is the “enemies of Islam” and it has very clear leaders. Specifically, within it they range from Boko Haram to Al-Qaeda through the Islamic State.

-In recent years it has become extremely radicalized and as a result of this process there are truly violent actions such as the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, which were caused by two planes that were hijacked and crashed into the Twin Towers, or the attacks of March 11, 2004 in Madrid. The latter attack consisted of placing several bombs on suburban trains that caused the death of 193 people and injuries of varying severity to around 2,000 people.

Beyond Islam , there are other types of fundamentalisms, such as Catholic fundamentalism (which interprets the Bible literally), Jewish fundamentalism (linked to Orthodox Judaism) and Hindu fundamentalism (conservative Hindus who seek to restore the caste system in the India and expel those who profess other religions from the nation).

In the same way we can also talk about what political fundamentalism is. And it is considered that a good example of this is, for example, Nazism, as recorded in the book written by Adolf Hitler and titled “My Struggle.”