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Latest articles in Anthropology

Definition of ethnic minority

An ethnic minority is a group of human beings who share racial traits, geographical origin, language and culture and who constitute a small subset within the framework of a society. These groups occupy a position of subordination and suffer from vulnerability. The smallest part of the individuals who live in a […]

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Definition of cultural studies

Cultural studies is a research area that analyzes how meanings are created and disseminated in a society. It is an interdisciplinary field where communication, politics, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, history and other sciences and disciplines intervene. The purpose of cultural studies is to generate knowledge about […]

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Definition of heteronormativity

Heteronormativity is the social system that considers heterosexuality as the normal or appropriate sexual orientation. This implies that other types of relationships fail to comply with social norms (that is, those rules that must be respected to live in a community). Gender normativity refers to those social norms that establish what is appropriate […]

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Definition of shamanism

Shamanism is a spiritual and religious practice found in various cultures around the world, especially among indigenous peoples. Shamans are considered intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spiritual world. They use techniques such as trance, meditation practices, sacred plants and rituals to communicate with spirits, obtain […]

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Definition of Toltec culture

The Toltec culture identifies an important pre-Hispanic civilization in Mesoamerica that had Tula (Tollan-Xicocotitlan) as its capital. Although this community settled mainly in the Mezquital Valley region (area belonging to the Mexican state of Hidalgo), its art, culture and beliefs influenced regions of the Yucatan Peninsula and […]

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Definition of Zapotec culture

The Zapotec culture has been an influential pre-Columbian civilization that settled on high lands in the southern part of Mesoamerica. The heirs of that ancient people who left so much cultural legacy mostly inhabit the Mexican state of Oaxaca, although there are also traces of them in Veracruz, Puebla and Guerrero. This community had a mirror […]

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Definition of cultural identity

Cultural identity is a grouping of customs, habits, practices, creeds and values ​​that serve as a cohesive factor in a community. Through these elements that he has in common with other individuals, a person develops a sense of belonging to the whole. Those who share a culture have similar beliefs and are governed by […]

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Definition of cultural region

Cultural region is an expression typical of disciplines such as geography and anthropology that identifies a portion or area where people who share a culture gather. The elements that give these areas their own identity revolve around ethnic, linguistic issues, linked to faith or traditions. […]

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Definition of stepfamily

A stepfamily is a family group that is formed when one or both members of a couple have descendants from a previous relationship. Thus, the couple in question lives with children who are not the result of their union. The concept can be clearly understood by paying attention to its components. A family is […]

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Definition of multicultural

Multicultural is an adjective used to refer to the convergence of a multiplicity of cultures. The concept, however, has various uses and specific meanings depending on the area. At a general level, it can be said that what is characterized by the coexistence of several cultures is classified as multicultural. Many times, the term […]

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