Political system
- Monarchy
- Democracy
- Autocracy
- Oligarchy
- Dictatorship
- Republic
- Parliamentarism
- Presidentialism
- Totalitarianism
- Government
- Constitution
- State
- Executive power
- legislative branch
- judiciary
- Sovereignty
- Citizenship
- Political party
- Vote
- Federalism
- Centralism
- Decentralization
- Nationalism
- Regionalism
- Diplomacy
- Human rights
- Freedom of expression
- Gender equality
- rule of law
- Transparency
- Corruption
- Social justice
- Electoral system
- constituent power
- Autonomy
- Communism
- Socialism
- Government ▼
- Representation ▼
- Vote ▼
- Constitution ▼
Powers of the State
- President
- Parliament
- Supreme Court
- Public administration
- Bureaucracy
- Vote
- Mayor
- Budget
- public spending
- Armed forces
- Police
- UN
- Naphtha
- Mercosur
- Constitutionalism
- Veto
- Political reform
- Lobby
- civil society
- Freedom of the press
- Equity
- Social welfare
- Education
- Health
- Infrastructure
- Transport
- Energy
- Environment
- Fiscal policy
- Economic development
- Trade
- Industry
- Executive power ▼
- legislative branch ▼
- Fiscal
- Criminal law
- civil law
- Administrative law
- Jurisprudence
- Notary
- Witness
- Accusation
- Proof
- Proficient
- Interrogation
- Allegation
- Habeas corpus
- Cassation
- Principle of legality
- Recusal
- Extradition
- Criminal liability
- Civil liability
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Labor law
- Environmental law
- Tax law
- Commercial law
- Hall
- Court
- Judged
- Audience
- Case
- Judgment
- Process
- Accused
- Advocate
- Preceding
- Lawsuit
- Judgment
- Resolution
- Parliament ▼
- Congress ▼
- Senate ▼
- Cabinet ▼
- Opposition ▼
- Freedom of expression ▼
- Freedom of the press ▼
- Pluralism
- Citizen participation ▼
- Transparency ▼
- Accountability ▼
- rule of law ▼
- Human rights ▼
- Federalism ▼
- Centralism ▼
- Decentralization ▼
- Nationalism ▼
- Globalization ▼
- European Union ▼
- Mercosur ▼
- Diplomacy ▼
- International relations ▼
- UN
- OAS ▼
- direct democracy ▼
- Representative democracy ▼
- NGO ▼
- Activism ▼
- Gender equality ▼
- Decolonization ▼
- Authoritarianism ▼
- Totalitarianism ▼
- Fascism ▼
- Communism ▼
- Socialism ▼
- Liberalism ▼
- Conservatism ▼
- Progressivism
- Populism ▼
- parliamentary monarchy ▼
- constitutional monarchy ▼
- Citizenship ▼
- Stake ▼
- Diversity ▼
- Justice ▼
- Equality ▼
- Autonomy
- Tolerance
- Dictatorship ▼
- Presidentialism
- Ideology ▼
- Can ▼
- Vote ▼
- Mandate ▼
- civil society ▼
- Leadership ▼
Political system
- Government ▼
- Capital
- Population
- Language
- Currency
- Consul
- Conflict
- Treaty
- Colonization
- Province
- Development
- Foreign trade
- Agriculture
- Tourism
- University
- Folklore
- Geography
- Climate
- Conservation
- Technology
- Land
- City
- Municipality
- Department
- Canton
- District
- Villa
- Citadel
- Locality
- Village
- Hamlet
- Booking
- Area
- national territory
- city state
- Nature reserve
- national park
- Island
- Archipelago
- Peninsula
- Sovereignty
- Continent
- Ocean
- Sea
- Mountain
- River
- Lake
- Desert
- Forest
- Jungle
- Meadow
- Tundra
- Latitude
- Length
- Altitude
- Surface
- Demography
- Cattle raising
- Mining
- Archeology
- Exploration
- Conquest
- Protected areas
- Biodiversity
- Flora
- Fauna
- Biome
- Ecosystem
- Geopolitics
- Rural area
- urban area
- Valley
- Beach
- Field
- Glacier
- Delta
- Cordillera
- Saw
- Plateau
- Narrow
- Gulf
- natural area
- Continental shelf
- Democracy ▼
- Republic ▼
- Monarchy ▼
- President
- Mayor ▼
- Municipality ▼
- Province ▼
- Department ▼
- District ▼
- Finance
- Metropolis
- Urbanization
- Investment
- Monument
- Museum
- Park
- Square
- Cathedral
- Stadium
- Library
- Hospital
- Airport
- Port
- Bus
- Metro
- Highway
- Skyscraper
- Census
- Literature
- Music
- Art
- Cinema
- Theater
- Ballet
- Festival
- Restaurant
- Café
- Hotel
- Hostel
- Market
- Store
- Firefighter
- Recycling
- Internet
- School
- Sport
- Gastronomy
- Fashion
- Press
- Television
- Radio
- cultural center
- Megalopolis
- City ▼
- Embassy
- Consulate ▼
- Naphtha ▼
- Passport ▼
- Visa
- Freedom ▼
- Security ▼
- Macroeconomy
- Microeconomics
- Economy of scale
- Deflation
- Demand
- Offer
- Unemployment
- Employment
- Salary
- Spent
- Saving
- Tax
- Subsidy
- Interest rate
- Balance of payments
- Trade balance
- Fiscal deficit
- Public debt
- External debt
- Economic growth
- Recession
- Economic cycle
- Monopoly
- Oligopoly
- Dumping
- opportunity cost
- marginal cost
- Fixed cost
- Variable cost
- Consumption
- Consumer
- Company
- Product
- Credit
- Marketing
- Export
- Import
- Banking
- Cost
- Price
- Interest
- Benefit
- Management
- Accounting
- Distribution
- Profitability
- Shortage
- Risk
- e-commerce
- Foreign exchange
- stock market
- Trade agreement
- Elasticity
- Productivity
- Depreciation
- Commercial code
- economic indicator
- Currency ▼
- central bank ▼
- Budget ▼
- Inflation
- Unemployment ▼
- Public debt ▼
- International trade ▼
- Pedagogy
- Didactics
- Resume
- Learning
- Teaching
- Training
- School
- special education
- Formal education
- Training
- Tutorial
- Repetition
- School dropout
- Educational policy
- Educational reform
- Education system
- Accreditation
- Certification
- Degree
- Postgraduate
- Mastery
- Specialization
- Educational technology
- Teaching material
- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Physical education
- Educational psychology
- Educational guidance
- Environmental education
- Student
- Student
- Knowledge
- Academy
- Teaching
- Study
- Comprehension
- Methodology
- Childhood
- Classroom
- Vocational guidance
- Art education
- Meaningful learning
- emotional intelligence
- Disease
- Prevention
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Healing
- Medicine
- Pharmacology
- Therapy
- Rehabilitation
- Nutrition
- Diet
- Exercise
- Rest
- Hygiene
- Mental health
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Obesity
- Cholesterol
- Heart attack
- Immunity
- Virology
- Bacteriology
- Flu
- A cold
- Tuberculosis
- reproductive health
- Pregnancy
- Delivery
- Pediatrics
- Geriatrics
- Public health
- Epidemiology
- Placebo
- Dose
- Genetics
- molecular biology
- Aging
- Health promotion
- Occupational health
- Environmental health
- Toxicology
- Doctor
- Patient
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Surgery
- Vaccine
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Gynecology
- Psychology
- occupational therapy
- Traumatology
- Schizophrenia
- Parkinson's
- Maternity
- Paternity
- abortion
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoporosis
- Autism
- Dengue
- Influenza
- Gastritis
- Sore
- Syphilis
- Acne
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Infrastructure ▼
- Transport ▼
- Potential energy
- mechanical energy
- thermal energy
- Electrical energy
- chemical energy
- Nuclear power
- Solar energy
- wind energy
- Geothermal energy
- Renewable energy
- Non-renewable energy
- Turbine
- Generator
- Transformer
- Battery
- Bioenergy
- Biogas
- Biodiesel
- Ethanol
- Coal
- Fracking
- Global warming
- Joule
- Calorie
- Thermodynamics
- Gravitation
- Hydropower
- Tidal energy
- photovoltaic energy
- Environment ▼
- Dance
- Paint
- Sculpture
- Architecture
- Photograph
- Traditions
- Mythology
- Language
- Dialect
- Poetry
- Prose
- Novel
- Tale
- Rehearsal
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- Science
- Wisdom
- Moral
- Ethics
- Aesthetics
- Feeding
- Outfit
- Design
- Craft
- Ceramics
- Jeweler's
- Goldsmithing
- Marriage
- Birth
- Death
- Relationship
- Sexuality
- Ethnicity
- Opera
- Jazz
- Rock
- Pop
- Abstract painting
- contemporary literature
- performing arts
- Fine arts
- plastic arts
- contemporary art
- modern art
- abstract art
- Cinematography
- Script
- Ethnography
- street art
- Museology
- Heritage
- God
- Faith
- Belief
- Church
- Spirituality
- Prayer
- Bible
- Creed
- Monastery
- Praise
- Meditation
- Priest
- Mass
- Advent
- Christmas
- Easter week
- Passover
- Holy
- Darling
- Hell
- Catechesis
- Confession
- Fast
- Martyrdom
- Charity
- Evangelism
- Devotion
- Resurrection
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Religious marriage
- Gospel
- Dogma
- Veneration
- Inquisition
- Heresy
- Armed forces ▼
- Army ▼
- Marine ▼
- Police ▼
- Intelligence ▼
- penal code ▼
- Civil code ▼
- Corruption ▼
- welfare state ▼
- Country ▼
- Planning
- Human resources
- Motivation
- Communication
- decision making
- Troubleshooting
- Teamwork
- Quality
- Organizational culture
- Business ethics
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Segmentation
- Benchmarking
- Coaching
- Franchise
- Business model
- Operation
- Business
- Entity
- Staff
- Billing
- Treasury
- Documentation
- Selection
- Performance
- Compensation
- Labor relations
- Internal communication
- information technology
- Software
- Hardware
- Technical support
- Cloud computing
- Catering
- Provisioning
- Storage
- Value chain
- Town ▼
- Region ▼
- Region ▼
- Council
- Locality ▼
- Town hall ▼
- Prefecture
- Ministry
- Public administration ▼
- Court ▼
- Judged ▼
- Judiciary
- Court ▼
- Nationality ▼
- Immigration
- Emigration ▼
- Asylum ▼
- Refugee ▼
- Consul
- Agreement ▼
- Treaty ▼
- Convention ▼
- International law
- Protocol ▼
- Summit ▼
- Interference ▼
- Political party ▼
- Election campaign ▼
- Choice
- Referendum ▼
- Manifestation ▼
- Strike ▼
- social movement ▼
- Assembly
- Deputy
- Senator ▼
- Coalition ▼
- Vote ▼
- Actor ▼
- Actress
- Performance
- Facility
- Illustration
- Collage
- Recorded
- Drawing
- digital art
- Renaissance
- Baroque
- Rococo
- Neoclassicism
- Romanticism
- Realism
- Impressionism
- Postimpressionism
- Expressionism
- Futurism
- Dadaism
- Surrealism
- Minimalism
- Art gallery
- Exposure
- Patron
- Portrait
- Still life
- Perspective
- Symbolism
- Iconography
- Inspiration
- Creativity
- Interpretation
- Director
- Spokesman ▼
- Agent
- Lawyer ▼
- Customer ▼
- Person ▼
- Speaker ▼
- Writer
- Author
- Poet ▼
- Editor ▼
- Architect ▼
- chef ▼
- Athlete ▼
- Scientist ▼
- Teacher ▼
- Teacher
- Parliament ▼
- Congress ▼
- Senate ▼
- Legislation ▼
- Column
- Reportage
- Criticism
- Comment
- News
- Analysis
- Interview
- Chronicle
- blog
- Media
- Diary
- Web
- Fountain
- Reference
- Header
- Caption
- Introduction
- Issue
- Summary
- Subscription
- Feedback
- Format
- Graphic
- Infographic
- Framing
- Legend
- Plagiarism
- Authenticity
- Bias
- Angle
- Approach
- Newspaper archive
- Multimedia
- Hyperlink
- Category
- Label
- On-line
- Supplement
- Extract
- Note
- Document
- Monograph
- Notes
- Documentary
- Brochure
- Manual
- Biography
- Autobiography
- Catalog
- Dictionary
- Encyclopedia
- Letter
- Postal
- Drama
- Calligraphy
- visual art
- Right ▼
- State ▼
- Constituent
- Modification
- Update
- Adequacy
- Adaptation
- Reorganization
- Regeneration
- Rehabilitation
- Remodeling
- Redesign
- Readjustment
- Evolution
- Replacement
- Initiative
- Refoundation
- Reconstruction
- Relocation
- Optimization
- Reconversion
- Redistribution
- Re-education
- Resocialization
- Reassignment
- Re-evaluation
- Recapitulation
- Reconceptualization
- working group
- Urban renewal
- Restructuring
- Rationalization
- Tax reform
- Agrarian reform
- Executive ▼
- Judicial ▼
- Defense ▼
- Independence ▼
- Fundamental rights
- Sanction ▼
- Public administration ▼
- Executive power ▼
- legislative branch ▼
- Fiscal ▼
- Notary ▼
- Equity
- Witness ▼
- Accusation ▼
- Proof ▼
- Proficient
- Interrogation ▼
- Allegation ▼
- Habeas corpus
- Cassation
- Principle of legality
- Recusal ▼
- Extradition ▼
- Criminal liability ▼
- Civil liability ▼
- Mediation ▼
- Arbitration ▼
- Environmental law ▼
- Tax law ▼
- Commercial law ▼
- Hall
- Audience
- Case ▼
- Process ▼
- Accused ▼
- Advocate ▼
- Preceding ▼
- Lawsuit ▼
- Judgment ▼
- President
- Diplomacy ▼
- International relations ▼
- European Union ▼
- Fiscal policy ▼
- Budget ▼
- Public debt ▼
- Inflation ▼
- Unemployment ▼
- Macroeconomy
- Microeconomics ▼
- Market economy
- Economy of scale ▼
- Demand ▼
- Offer ▼
- Salary ▼
- Saving ▼
- Investment ▼
- Interest rate ▼
- Fiscal policy
- stock market ▼
- Balance of payments
- Trade balance
- Economic cycle
- Monopoly ▼
- Oligopoly ▼
- Land ▼
- Natural resources ▼
- Protectionism
- Free trade
- Dumping
- opportunity cost ▼
- marginal cost ▼
- Fixed cost
- Variable cost
- Consumption
- Consumer ▼
- Market ▼
- Company ▼
- Product ▼
- Trade ▼
- Sector ▼
- Development ▼
- Marketing ▼
- Export ▼
- Import ▼
- Banking ▼
- Cost ▼
- Price ▼
- Interest ▼
- Benefit ▼
- Industry ▼
- Management
- Accounting ▼
- Distribution ▼
- Profitability
- Shortage
- Risk ▼
- e-commerce
- Foreign exchange
- Cooperative ▼
- stock market ▼
- Neoliberalism ▼
- Trade agreement
- Foreign trade ▼
- Competence ▼
- Elasticity
- Productivity ▼
- Foreign investment
- Depreciation
- Commercial code ▼
- economic indicator ▼
- Pedagogy ▼
- Didactics ▼
- Resume ▼
- Learning ▼
- Teaching ▼
- Training ▼
- School ▼
- School ▼
- Institute ▼
- University ▼
- special education ▼
- Formal education ▼
- Training ▼
- Tutorial
- Assessment ▼
- Repetition ▼
- School dropout ▼
- Inclusion
- Educational policy ▼
- Educational reform
- Education system ▼
- Accreditation ▼
- Certification ▼
- Degree ▼
- Postgraduate
- Mastery
- Specialization
- Educational technology
- Teaching material ▼
- Literacy ▼
- Reading ▼
- Writing ▼
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Calculation
- Statistics
- Probability
- Arithmetic
- Trigonometry
- Analytic geometry
- Euclidean geometry
- Equation
- linear algebra
- Derivative
- Comprehensive
- Fraction
- formal language
- Axiom
- Formula
- Symmetry
- Topology
- Variable
- Vector
- Theorem
- Linear programming
- Boolean algebra
- Conditional probability
- Orthogonal projection
- History ▼
- Geography ▼
- Art ▼
- Melody
- Rhythm
- Dynamic
- Ring
- Staff
- Clue
- Scale
- Chord
- Interval
- Compass
- Octave
- Concert
- Orchestra
- Quartet
- Sonata
- Drain
- Rhapsody
- Suite
- Choir
- Soprano
- Tenor
- Low
- Baritone
- Viola
- Double bass
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Oboe
- Bassoon
- Trombone
- Tuba
- Percussion
- marimba
- Xylophone
- Harp
- Accordion
- Harmonica
- Mix
- Microphone
- Amplifier
- Equalizer
- Distortion
- Blues
- Reggae
- Song
- Organ
- Cello
- Drum
- Singing
- Disk
- Recording
- Stanza
- Rap
- soundtrack
- Sol-fa
- Metrics
- Adage
- Presto
- Tuning
- Improvisation
Physical education
- Physical activity
- Physical condition
- Fitness
- Speed
- Agility
- Stretching
- Heating
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Tennis
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Zumba
- Walk
- Boxing
- Anatomy
- Breathing
- Co-education
- Psychomotor skills
- First aid
- Recreation
- Sports performance
- Physical preparation
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system
- Muscular system
- bone system
- Nervous system
- endocrine system
- digestive system
- Educational psychology ▼
- Educational guidance
- Environmental education ▼
- Student ▼
- Student ▼
- Knowledge ▼
- Academy
- Discipline ▼
- Teaching
- Study ▼
- Comprehension
- Methodology ▼
- Ability
- Childhood ▼
- Classroom
- Vocational guidance
- Art education ▼
- Meaningful learning ▼
- emotional intelligence ▼
- Equal opportunities ▼
- Welfare ▼
- Disease
- Prevention ▼
- Diagnosis ▼
- Treatment ▼
- Healing ▼
- Physiology
- Recipe
- Radiology
- Ultrasound
- Bacterium
- Virus
- Immunology
- Anesthesia
- Ambulance
- Dermatology
- Obstetrics
- Endocrinology
- Neurology
- Pathology
- Hematology
- Transplant
- Prosthesis
- Orthopedics
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Stethoscope
- Syringe
- Antibiotic
- Antiviral
- Vaccination
- Pandemic
- Quarantine
- defibrillator
- Medicine
- Doctor
- Nursing
- Histology
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- clinical psychology
- Pulmonology
- Dentistry
- Rheumatology
- Chiropody
- Pharmacology ▼
- Therapy
- Recovery
- Rehabilitation
- Nutrition ▼
- Diet ▼
- Exercise ▼
- Rest ▼
- Hygiene ▼
- Mental health ▼
- Stress ▼
- Anxiety ▼
- Depression ▼
- Obesity ▼
- Cholesterol ▼
- Heart attack ▼
- Immunity ▼
- Virology ▼
- Bacteriology ▼
- Flu ▼
- A cold
- Tuberculosis
- reproductive health ▼
- Pregnancy ▼
- Delivery ▼
- Pediatrics
- Geriatrics ▼
- Public health ▼
- Epidemiology ▼
- Placebo ▼
- Dose ▼
- Genetics ▼
- molecular biology ▼
- Aging ▼
- Quality of life ▼
- Health promotion
- Occupational health
- Environmental health ▼
- Toxicology ▼
- Pollution ▼
- Climate change
- Hospital ▼
- Doctor
- Patient ▼
- Pharmacy ▼
- Clinic
- Surgery
- Vaccine ▼
- Cardiology ▼
- Oncology ▼
- Gynecology
- Psychology ▼
- occupational therapy ▼
- Traumatology ▼
- Schizophrenia ▼
- Parkinson's
- Maternity
- Paternity
- abortion ▼
- Fibromyalgia ▼
- Osteoporosis ▼
- Autism
- Dengue ▼
- Influenza ▼
- Gastritis ▼
- Sore
- Syphilis ▼
- Acne ▼
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis ▼
- Apartment
- Condominium
- Chalet
- Mansion
- Bungalow
- Floor
- Duplex
- Loft
- Cabin
- Ranch
- Room
- Bedroom
- Lounge
- Dining room
- Bathroom
- Garden
- Balcony
- Porch
- Garage
- Basement
- Penthouse
- Real Estate
- Rent
- Owner
- Wall
- Window
- Chimney
- Ladder
- Decoration
- Heating
- Electricity
- Alarm
- Lock
- Dishwasher
- coffee maker
- Blender
- Crockery
- Lightning
- Lodging
- Bedroom
- Aisle
- Lobby
- Apartment ▼
- Floor
- Chalet ▼
- Room
- Duplex
- Loft
- Penthouse ▼
- Mansion ▼
- Residence ▼
- Estate
- Hamlet ▼
- Cabin ▼
- Bungalow
- Tower
- Ranch ▼
- Tax authorities
- Fifth ▼
- Condominium ▼
- Shelter ▼
- Cell
- Solar
- Accommodation ▼
- Barrack ▼
- Lodging ▼
- Inn ▼
- Vane ▼
- Single-family home
- Welfare ▼
- Equality ▼
- Equity ▼
- Climate change ▼
- Potential energy
- mechanical energy ▼
- thermal energy ▼
- Electrical energy ▼
- chemical energy ▼
- Nuclear power ▼
- Solar energy ▼
- wind energy ▼
- Geothermal energy ▼
- Renewable energy
- Non-renewable energy
- Turbine
- Generator
- Transformer
- Battery ▼
- Bioenergy ▼
- Biogas ▼
- Biodiesel ▼
- Ethanol ▼
- Coal ▼
- Oil
- Natural gas
- Fracking ▼
- Joule ▼
- Calorie
- Thermodynamics ▼
- Gravitation ▼
- Hydropower ▼
- Tidal energy ▼
- photovoltaic energy
Natural resources
- Water ▼
- Forest ▼
- Fauna ▼
- Flora ▼
- Air
- Floor ▼
- Recycling
- Conservation
- Biodiversity ▼
- Ecology ▼
- Ecosystem ▼
- Nature reserve ▼
- national park
- natural landscape
- Deforestation ▼
- Water pollution ▼
- Soil erosion ▼
- Soil pollution ▼
- visual pollution
- Mining exploitation ▼
- Forest exploitation ▼
- intensive agriculture ▼
- satellite image ▼
- Infrastructure ▼
- Flag ▼
- Hymn
- Identity ▼
- Tradition ▼
- Accent
- Semantics
- Morphology
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Syntax
- Lexicography
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation
- Mother tongue
- Alphabet
- Semiotics
- Metaphor
- figurative language
- Connotation
- Denotation
- Neologism
- Jargon
- Slang
- Linguistics
- Philology
- Ethnolinguistics
- Palate
- Swallowing
- Taste
- Saliva
- Larynx
- Pharynx
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Creole
- Lexicon
- Etymology
- Rhetoric
- Foreignness
- Synonym
- Antonym
- Polysemy
- Paronym
- Integration
- Loyalty
- Symbol ▼
- Race
- Ethnicity ▼
- Community ▼
- Unit
- Border ▼
- Cultural heritage ▼
- National identity ▼
- Citizen ▼
- Civics ▼
- Parade ▼
- Nationalization
- Globalization ▼
- Integration
- Human rights ▼
- Freedom of expression ▼
- Censorship ▼
- Freedom of the press ▼
- Public opinion ▼
- Activism ▼
- Peace ▼
- War ▼
- Security ▼
- Defense ▼
- Armed forces ▼
- Terrorism ▼
- Feminism ▼
- Discrimination
- Racism ▼
- Xenophobia ▼
- Decriminalization ▼
- Legalization
- Bribery ▼
- Fraud
- Nepotism
- Embezzlement
- Bribery ▼
- money laundering
- Influence peddling ▼
- tax evasion
- Extortion ▼
- Collusion ▼
- Peculation
- clientelism ▼
- Impunity
- bribe ▼
- Falsification
- Smuggling
- Sign ▼
- Conspiracy ▼
- Concealment ▼
- Pillage ▼
- Scam ▼
- Dishonesty ▼
- Complicity ▼
- Omission ▼
- Opacity ▼
- Scandal
- Embezzlement
- Coercion ▼
- Blackmail
- Plug
- Transparency ▼
- Advertising ▼
- Communication ▼
- Handling
- Rhetoric ▼
- Speech ▼
- Corporate image
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Latest articles in Politics
Definition of International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court is a permanent court governed by the Rome Statute and whose operation was launched in 2003. Known by the acronym ICC, its purpose is to try serious crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and genocide. Based in The Hague […]
Definition of restorative justice
Restorative justice is a judicial approach that aims to repair the harm that a crime caused to its direct victims and to the community as a whole. It does not only seek the punishment of the person or persons who caused the harm, but also seeks a collective resolution of the conflict and that the authors […]
Definition of environmental impact assessment
Environmental impact assessment is the name of a tool framed in environmental policy that provides the possibility of regulating activities to minimize their negative consequences on the natural environment and take measures to prevent, mitigate and restore damage in relation to the environment. This procedure, which is mandatory, allows […]
Definition of civil disobedience
Civil disobedience is an action that leads to breaking a rule as a protest or with the intention of promoting change at a political level. Generally it is a procedure based on non-violence that is carried out publicly and is susceptible to legal punishment. The concept of disobedience refers to the act […]
Definition of Convention on the Rights of the Child
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a commitment that, in 1989, world leaders assumed when approving a treaty promoted by the United Nations with the purpose of protecting and recognizing the rights possessed by people under eighteen years of age. . This provision of international scope aims to […]
Definition of female empowerment
Female empowerment is the process that empowers and strengthens women. This is the set of actions that make visible and recognize the contributions of members of the female gender and the disadvantages they suffer compared to men, demanding equity and equal opportunities. With empowerment, women gain autonomy […]
Definition of social activism
Social activism is public behavior that is developed with the aim of achieving change in society. An activist carries out proselytizing actions and participates in campaigns and initiatives that aim to achieve an objective with an impact on the community. The protection of human rights is usually one of the […]
Definition of economic depression
Economic depression is a prolonged period of severe recession in which there is a significant drop in economic activity, employment and production in a country or region. During a depression, GDP decreases considerably, unemployment reaches very high levels, and prices and wages usually decrease, generating […]
Definition of political philosophy
Political philosophy is an area of philosophy that analyzes the link between individuals and society, examining the relationships established between social systems. It focuses on the study of collective order through concepts such as government, State, freedom, power, right and law. It should be noted that the notion of […]
Definition of International Court of Justice
The International Court of Justice is the most important judicial entity in the structure of the United Nations (UN). Its mission is to resolve legal disputes between countries based on what is established by public international law and issue opinions on matters presented to it by other UN organizations. […]