Definition of



Accuracy is often linked to precision.

Accuracy is punctuality and fidelity in the execution of something . When someone executes an action accurately, the result obtained is what was intended. Accuracy implies the absence of error or failure.

For example: “The German contestant shot and hit the center of the target exactly” , “The Paraguayan striker finished with great precision and the ball entered the upper right corner of the rival goal exactly” , “The programmers found the root of the bug exactly.”

Accuracy as precision

The concept can also be understood as precision . If a person is asked to address a topic accurately, they should do so with details and solid arguments, that is, without ambiguous information: “Please tell me exactly what grandpa told you,” “The doctor told me .” “He explained exactly what the operation is going to be like, so now I am calmer,” “The speaker accurately narrated his experience in the field and left everyone satisfied.”

Accuracy is essential in certain disciplines and professions, such as academic music, programming, and surgery. Although in all cases spontaneity can lead to results superior to the expected and revolutionary discoveries, the usual thing is to follow a clear line of action previously designed based on a deep and detailed study of the problems and possible solutions .


Accuracy is important in a watch.

The term in music and computing

In the case of music , for example, traditional writing uses a well-defined series of figures that allow a composition to be recorded accurately, indicating both its melodies and its rhythms, its ornaments and various recommendations regarding expressiveness. necessary for its execution, among other aspects. In this case, an eighth note cannot be exchanged for a quarter note or a half note : each figure belongs to a rigid hierarchy that arranges them according to their relative duration, so the lack of accuracy leads to an error and incoherence that is impossible to overlook. .

The same can happen in the field of computer programming , where there are a finite number of data types (such as integer, character and logical) that must be respected for correct execution. Depending on the environment used when producing the code, certain errors may go unnoticed, bringing consequences of varying magnitude to users.

Accuracy in expression

While everyday speech allows certain sounds to be attenuated or omitted without seriously affecting oral comprehension (saying "three" or "tre" is equivalent in many regions), assigning a numerical value to a textual variable does not lead to a happy ending for a developer; If, for some reason, the text string "234" must be saved, using the numbers without quotes will not only not produce the same result, but in many cases (the lucky ones) will prevent the program from being compiled.

Our species does not usually seek accuracy when expressing itself, but this is reserved for those who are passionate about the subjects just exposed, among others. Not many are able to calculate the height of a piece of furniture at a glance, or the duration of a short and simple process, and it is generally impossible to know what number the phrase "a pair" refers to if the context is not known. that belongs.

The notion in statistics and engineering

For statistics , engineering or science in general, accuracy is the ability of an instrument to measure a value close to the actual magnitude. The calibration of this measuring device will depend on the distance between the average of the various measurements and the actual measurement of the magnitude.

It should be noted that, in this case, accuracy and precision are not synonyms. Accuracy is linked to the closeness of the measured value and the actual value. Precision, on the other hand, is the dispersion of the set of values ​​obtained from repeated measurements of a magnitude.