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Definition of infrared radiation

Infrared radiation (IR) is the name given to a type of electromagnetic radiation that is impossible for the human eye to detect. It should be noted that the wavelength of infrared radiation is shorter compared to microwave waves but is longer compared to that associated with visible light. Every body […]

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Definition of atomic physics

Atomic physics is the name given to a specialty within physics that has allowed, with the passage of time, to know more and better about the universe. With information provided by this discipline that deals with the atomic structure as a whole, and having mastery of spectroscopy, you can, for example, […]

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Definition of personal autonomy

Personal autonomy is the ability of a subject to carry out their daily activities and make their own decisions. This power implies the need to have certain resources and skills that allow one to function independently and assume the consequences of one's actions. To accurately understand the idea of ​​personal autonomy, it is important to analyze the […]

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Definition of synchrotron

Synchrotron is a type of particle accelerator that can be used as a collider. It is a device with multiple applications in which the particles, subjected to the influence of a magnetic field, exhibit a displacement in circular orbit. Its acceleration, the theory says, is the result of an electric field that is […]

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Definition of double slit experiment

The double slit experiment is a classic physics experiment that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and other particles. It was first made by Thomas Young in 1801, and involves passing light through two narrow slits. By projecting it on a screen behind the slits, […]

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Definition of oxygen cycle

Oxygen cycle is the name given to a complex biogeochemical process through which it is guaranteed that oxygen moves in order to circulate in and out of the Earth's surface. As noted when analyzing how oxygen (a chemical element also present in the water cycle) is transformed […]

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Definition of space station

Space station is the name given to each structure or platform that is designed for research purposes and to house a laboratory module intended to carry out studies and experiments that are useful for multiple space vehicles. It should be noted that space stations, throughout history, have been created with both […]

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Definition of ecological niche

The ecological niche is the set of environmental and biological conditions that a species needs to survive, reproduce and maintain its population. It includes aspects such as habitat, interactions with other species and their role in the ecosystem. Examples of ecological niche The following examples of ecological niches show that species fulfill specific roles […]

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Definition of scientific article

Scientific article is the name given to any communication or research text that is disseminated from the pages of a scientific journal. Among the most prestigious and recognized scientific magazines on the planet are “Science”, which was born around 1880 in New York and became the organ for the dissemination of […]

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Definition of biological corridors

Biological corridors are, according to the theoretical definition framed in environmental law, territories of variable characteristics and dimensions that connect natural spaces relevant to wild fauna and flora. Thanks to them, members of different species can carry out genetic exchanges or migration, for example. This geographical space, also […]

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