Definition of



The appreciation that someone has of themselves is called self-esteem.

The first step we are going to take is to know the etymological origin of the term esteem that concerns us now. Regarding it, we can determine that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from the verb “aestimare”, which can be translated as “judge” or “appreciate”.

Esteem is the consideration we have for something or someone . It is about the affection , sympathy or attachment that arises from the characteristics or quality of the person or thing that is esteemed. Therefore, we can determine that among the synonyms of esteem are words such as consideration, appreciation and estimation. On the contrary, among its antonyms are terms such as hatred and even contempt.

For example: “I have a lot of esteem for all the people who strive every day to improve their quality of life beyond the difficulties” , “Laura likes Pablo, but does not want a formal relationship with him” , “Strengthen esteem of oneself is essential to be successful.”

The importance of self-esteem

The idea of ​​self-esteem , on the other hand, refers to the appreciation that a person has of themselves . Individuals with high self-esteem value themselves positively and trust in their potential; On the other hand, those with low self-esteem disbelieve in their abilities. Having good self-esteem is important since it favors the development of projects and undertakings that require drive and energy.

In order to achieve good self-esteem, it is necessary to stop having negative thoughts about oneself, consider the mistakes that are made as opportunities to learn, find the positive qualities that one possesses, be clear that perfection does not exist, identify the things that They can be changed, be open to learning new things and even changing what you can achieve...


Estimate can be used as a synonym for evaluate or calculate: "It is estimated that nearly 500,000 tourists will come to the city's beaches on the next vacation."

A verbal conjugation

Estimate, on the other hand, is also a conjugation of the verb estimate : appraise, calculate, evaluate. In this framework, the notion is frequently used to refer to a forecast or forecast: “The environmental organization estimates that the construction of the highway will destroy 20,000 hectares of native forest,” “The Ministry of Tourism estimates that more than 1,000,000 of people will travel to different parts of the country during Holy Week,” “The fatalities of the earthquake will be thousands, estimates the person responsible for coordinating the rescue work.”

To make an estimate , a previous study or analysis is usually carried out. If an economist estimates that a nation's exports will grow compared to the previous year, it is likely that he or she has reached that conclusion after examining various reports and statistics.

Social esteem

We must not overlook the fact that there is also what is known as social esteem .

With this idea, what we try to indicate is that a person has a good image in society and is even loved, respected or admired by a part of the population.

Other uses of the term

In addition to everything indicated, it must be taken into account that Estima Natura is the name of an online store of natural and ecological cosmetics.

All this without forgetting that there is also a book written in Catalan that responds to the name “Estima” . It is a work carried out by Xavi Benigni .