Definition of



Something spontaneous occurs on impulse and lacks planning.

The etymological origin of the spontaneous term that concerns us now can be stated that it derives from Latin. Specifically, it is the result of the union of two lexical components of said language, such as the following:

-The word “sponte”, which can be translated as “voluntarily”.

-The suffix “-aneus”, which is used to indicate relationship.

The term can be used as an adjective or as a noun .

Concept of spontaneous

Spontaneous, for example , is used to describe that which arises from one's own will or from an impulse and that, many times, lacks planning and organization: "People gathered at the door of the company in a spontaneous demand" , “The spontaneous applause of the people surprised the driver,” “It was something spontaneous, no one told me I should do it, but I felt like it and I did it.”

A spontaneous individual is someone who acts according to his instinct or his emotions , unlike someone who always appeals to reason or social conventions: “I like this boy, he is very spontaneous,” “I would like to meet someone spontaneous, who is capable of laugh out loud without shame.”

Natural development, without human intervention

What is generated or subsists naturally, without human intervention, is also defined as spontaneous.

“The spontaneous growth of this species surprised the neighbors”, “All the vegetation that covers this dune is spontaneous: no one planted anything here” y “The reservoir was created spontaneously from the accumulation of branches, stones and sediments carried by the current” son expresiones que usan el término de este modo.


What develops without human intervention can be described as spontaneous: "The growth of vegetation in this area was spontaneous."

The spontaneous according to ancient thinkers

Something spontaneous, on the other hand, occurs without there being, at least apparently, a motive or cause . In ancient times, thinkers held a theory indicating that some forms of life were generated spontaneously from inorganic or organic matter, or even a combination of both.

The theory of spontaneous generation , supported and valued by Aristotle , Descartes and others, began to be questioned in the 17th century until it was finally refuted by scientific evidence.

Spontaneous as a noun

As a noun , finally, the individual who decides to intervene in an event when his participation was not planned is called spontaneous: “A spontaneous person went up on stage and started dancing with the artist” , “The footballer was surprised to meet a spontaneous person in middle of the playing field.”

Among the synonyms of spontaneous we find words such as natural, involuntary, instinctive, automatic or thoughtless. On the other hand, among the antonyms we can highlight some words such as voluntary, deliberate, content, reflective or forced, for example.

An unsought abortion

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as spontaneous abortion. This term refers to the situation in which an embryo dies before the 20th week of gestation without, as a general rule, there being a clear cause that could determine this death. However, these can range from certain diseases, such as severe diabetes, to having had more than two previous spontaneous abortions.

Pregnant women who have to face this situation must endure not only serious consequences on a physical level but, above all, on an emotional level. And it is really hard to lose the baby you were expecting.

The existence of several different types of spontaneous abortions must be established: complete, which is when all the pregnancy tissue leaves the uterus; the incomplete, the inevitable or the retained, which does not manifest itself with bleeding or colic.