Definition of



Hope is a state of mind in which the person feels that they can achieve what they long for.

Hope is the state of mind in which one believes that what one desires or intends is possible . Whether based on logical support or based on faith , those who have hope believe that they can achieve something or achieve a certain achievement.

For example: “It is a very tough illness, but I have hope that I will get through it,” “The team was ten points behind the leader although it has not lost hope of winning the title,” “I have already lost hope: I don't think I can win.” work before the end of the year.”

Importance of hope

People often cling to hope when they find themselves in a difficult situation. It is a resource that helps them avoid falling into depression , based on the strong idea that things will soon improve . That confidence acts as a stimulus and provides strength and tranquility; On the other hand, when it is lost or difficult to achieve, life becomes an arduous battle against obstacles.

Just as red is the color of passion and white identifies purity, the color of hope is green .


Hope often works as a stimulus.

A theological virtue and a name

Hope, on the other hand, is one of the three theological virtues (along with faith and charity ). For Christian theology, hope is the virtue that enables man to have confidence in achieving eternal life with the help of God .

Esperanza is also a feminine name : “Esperanza Aguirre is a conservative politician who is part of the Popular Party,” “Spanish actress Esperanza Roy won several awards throughout her career.”

Esperanza, in addition, is the name of several geographical places , such as a city in the province of Santa Fe ( Argentina ), a Chilean town , a Guatemalan municipality and a district in the Dominican Republic .

The Telephone of Hope

A non-profit NGO that voluntarily promotes emotional health is known by the name Telephone of Hope , especially for those people who are immersed in deep individual or family crises, either due to unresolved psychological problems or experiences. traumatic events such as accidents and near losses.

Also known as the International Telephone Association of Hope (ASITES), it is a Spanish entity founded in 1971 by Serafín Madrid and recognized as a public utility organization a year later. Among its international relations is a formal link with the World Health Organization and a series of agreements with various Spanish universities and the rest of the world.

Mission of this NGO

Its mission is to support those people who need to let off steam, get their lives back on track, and who do not have the right friends or prefer to talk about their problems with someone outside their circles . The service provided by the Telephone of Hope is free and of quality; Among its volunteers there are people from various fields, from psychology professionals to individuals who in the past resolved their discomfort thanks to this same association.

On the other hand, they are aware of how important it is to prevent emotional problems and, for this reason, they have developed a series of preventive help networks that offer workshops, courses and seminars (among other activities) to promote a positive relationship among citizens. with themselves and with their environment.

It is currently found in 26 provinces in Spain, in 10 Latin American countries, in some cities in Europe and in Miami. For all those who feel the vocation to help others selflessly, the Telephone of Hope has a training course to enhance their qualities and provide them with tools to become authentic engines of hope.