Definition of



Enthusiasm can be associated with an elevation of spirit.

Enthusiasm is the exaltation of spirit that is produced by something that captivates or is admired. The term comes from the late Latin enthusiasmus , although its most remote origin is found in the Greek language. For the Greeks, enthusiasm meant “having a god within oneself.” The enthusiastic person, therefore, was the one guided by the strength and wisdom of a god , capable of making things happen.

Nowadays, enthusiasm is known as what moves one to take an action, promote a cause or develop a project . For example: “I'm going to try to awaken his enthusiasm for reading with a book of stories” , “Jorge lost his enthusiasm for work since his salary was cut” , “I feel great enthusiasm for the trip we are about to take”. undertake.”

Enthusiasm as a driving force

Enthusiasm can be understood as the driving force of behavior . Whoever is enthusiastic about something, makes an effort in their work and exhibits a positive attitude since they have a goal to achieve. A worker will redouble his efforts if he knows that he can access a salary increase thanks to good performance; On the other hand, if you discover that any effort will be in vain, you are likely to lose enthusiasm.

Happiness and inner well-being are also associated with enthusiasm, which can arise naturally and spontaneously, without concrete or specific reasons. During the happy and positive times in our lives, we tend to face everyday life with spontaneous enthusiasm, which seems to be a trait of our personality. On the other hand, the moments of greatest difficulty on an emotional or economic level tend to undermine the desire to fight, and in them lies the key to moving forward.


Happiness and enthusiasm are often associated.

The importance of vocation

There are different ways of understanding the concept of enthusiasm, and it is largely linked to vocation , in that in each individual it manifests itself in a particular and, often, unpredictable way . There are those who believe that we are all born with a special talent, and that only some discover it; On the other hand, there is a theory that a lucky few come into this world with outstanding abilities, and that they always hear the call of vocation, even if they choose to ignore it.

It is an aspect of our life that is very difficult to understand, given its intangible nature and the infinite combinations that occur in the construction of each personality , which results in infinite paths to analyze the mind and its characteristics. However, even the most reserved people have a soft spot for an activity, and exude a joy that can light up an entire city when they have the chance to do it.

Not even those who appear more subdued, those who show a sense of defeat in the face of life's challenges, can hide their happiness if they are presented with an objective that touches that deep part of their being that, many times, only they know. Enthusiasm is awakened for different reasons and in different ways in each person and, unlike a vocation, it seems to be within the reach of every human being.

Taking care of the enthusiasm

Modern life, which immerses us from birth in a consumerist society , usually leads us into a spiral of non-conformity and disappointment at the idea of ​​not being able to achieve our goals, both emotionally and professionally. It all begins when we allow others to decide what our needs are, what makes us happy, with whom we want to share our existence.

In most cases, since such choices are not our own, there comes a point where we lose enthusiasm and the entire structure around us falls apart; The solution, therefore, is as simple as it is exhausting: question every aspect of our life, to find the combination of objectives and needs that truly corresponds to us.